DoTA 2 Island Troll Tribes DoTA2ITT
DoTA 2 Island Troll Tribes DoTA2ITT
10 August, 2014
United States 
Nothing Personal 9 Apr, 2022 @ 12:06pm 
hola, deseo jugar este excelente modo pero no puedo, alguien me puede ayudar?
ret 18 Nov, 2018 @ 6:28pm 
daed geam
I7or 4 Nov, 2018 @ 1:53pm 
want and can help with map 2 up i 4 new version. how i can contant u?
DarkStar1up.TTV 8 Sep, 2018 @ 11:43pm 
Prunus 4 Oct, 2017 @ 12:12pm 
Bones and mushroom bug?
itsdren 4 Jun, 2017 @ 3:51pm 
@[NBNS] Internet Veteran Thanks for this great recreation.

Also thanks to all who helped. Wish more people would play this game!
ret 16 Feb, 2017 @ 6:22am 
Nice game
Be Blue ! 👌 4 Jan, 2017 @ 5:31am 
Where's the map??
TheDrunkenMage 6 Dec, 2016 @ 5:37pm 
Don't forget to upvote
TheDrunkenMage 4 Dec, 2016 @ 12:37pm 
That's where you subscribe for the map. After that, just go to arcade in DotA2 and search for Island Troll Tribes 2. FYI searching troll is enough to narrow the search down.
Nicked 19 Jun, 2016 @ 6:27am 
anyone wanno play itt on wc3 ft? :island troll tribes #1
Olli 31 May, 2016 @ 9:08am 
Hi, i red on the forum you started beta and id like to get in. So just message me (i guess you have to add me to do that) what i have to do.
Rancid Ball Stench 25 Apr, 2016 @ 4:27pm 
Hey, I never played the original but I played a clone on SC2. Can't wait for this to come out of Dota 2. Any word on when it might?
long season 24 Apr, 2016 @ 11:27am 
I know im late to the party but I loved this map back in the day , thank you guys for the hardwork!
OneEyedWolf 15 Apr, 2016 @ 7:24pm 
Hey, could I get an inv to the group? I've looked for a game like ITT for a while now so I'm excited to have found this.
- 2 Apr, 2016 @ 4:42pm 
Would like to help advance the progress, ive been waiting for this for a while
Krulg 1 Apr, 2016 @ 4:51am 
Hello, played a lot of ITT back in the day. Been following the forums passively the last year. Would love an invite to the group! Thanks in advance
MrThinger 27 Mar, 2016 @ 11:52pm 
tried messaging you on the ITT2 boards and you never responded, could i get an invite to the alpha?
Tea 24 Mar, 2016 @ 1:58pm 
Can I get an invite?
TheDrunkenMage 17 Mar, 2016 @ 2:11pm 
Game is in Beta Testing
Currently fixing problems such as Living Clay dealing to much damage and the shop not selling items everytime. That means the game is in the final stage of creation.
holiday7 14 Mar, 2016 @ 7:56pm 
Id love an invite.
LitLuigi73 27 Oct, 2015 @ 2:12am 
Yeah i'd like an invite please and thank you. I've was always been a big fan of Troll Tribes back in the Warcraft III days.
OmeGaX 3 Oct, 2015 @ 6:38am 
guy i actually working in a studio of animation and models 3d, i have exp development mod and maps, games etc. if you need help, you can talk with me.
xXFrozenxX 12 Sep, 2015 @ 12:06pm 
Any Updates on the progress of the map?
Dravoc 12 Sep, 2015 @ 1:00am 
Is this still being developed?
Chrono Finale 13 Jul, 2015 @ 5:23pm 
invite please, i ran clan SNS for awhile and ran games of itt with ghost and also was a member of roa with bigkitty75 famine and probably a few others
sipsorangejuice 10 Jul, 2015 @ 6:13pm 
Invite me please >:)
Moop 19 Jun, 2015 @ 1:28am 
Moop reporting in. Too bad dev tools don't run natively on OS X. Maybe I'll fire up a VM one of these days when I'm not so lazy
Dicknose Johnson 12 Jun, 2015 @ 2:40am 
hi all really want ITT to become a thing again
TheDrunkenMage 28 May, 2015 @ 9:19am 
I think this project is in major standstill #2, or #5, or #something. I thought we were close too.
Shame 26 May, 2015 @ 7:17pm 
TheDrunkenMage 23 Mar, 2015 @ 11:40pm 
Hobo/Bad Wolf. Did you ever get picked up to help with this? People check this Group probably less than the Forums (and they rarely do that). I know they were asking for coders on the forums desperately.
Puck12 10 Mar, 2015 @ 10:12am 
Hey I'll make this message very quick .... I love ITT from WC3 and I would love to help. I know java but I can learn any programming language easy (also I have great ideas :P ). please let me know if i can help, and if yes, what to do.
Baron von ZinGir 5 Sep, 2014 @ 6:19am 
Yo toxic your forgetting all the old itt players, i shall invite em all