4250Stuck CRBEARZ
4250Stuck CRBEARZ
게임 중
2013년 1월 10일
United States 
모든 공지 > 공지 상세 사항

Thoughts of the Future

댓글 15
insay 2013년 7월 17일 오전 8시 51분 
guessing its not,
insay 2013년 7월 14일 오전 5시 05분 
mk, its july 14th hope that BBB was correct,
Lonfyre 2013년 7월 10일 오후 9시 30분 
I figure first thing on the agenda is like mentioned before, a new Sandbox server that is properly optimized. The ones putting files into the server were just throwing whatever addon files looked like fun at the time without really looking into stability.

New shit's gonna be watched like a hawk, but I can only guarantee Wire and PlayX returning (though personally I'd hope PlayX was far more restricted because it is a resource hog for clients).
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic 2013년 7월 10일 오후 2시 08분 
i'm sad
Master of Magnet 2013년 7월 10일 오전 8시 49분 
I would say focus on the servers one at a time. I think you guys got ahead of yourselves with the TF2 server.
Lonfyre 2013년 7월 8일 오후 3시 00분 
In the matter of a DarkRP Server...this is one of those "down the road" ideas, something that would come up later in the road map (maybe a year after the servers re-launch) that would be saved for because there is an EXTENSIVE amount of work that needs to be done to make DarkRP compatible with the Playset (tldr: We'd need someone who would be okay with re-coding DarkRP in a way where it would not only preserve the feel of DarkRP, but fit with the feel of Homestuck itself).

In terms of server release, it'd be something like:
New Sandbox > TTT > Ask the community where to go from here.

The addition of servers however would be reliant on another initiation donation drive in which we'd have to gather enough funds to keep the TTT server up and running for a minimum of 3 months.

Also, I realize some people prefer TTT over Sandbox, so when donating people would be encouraged to tell us for which server they were donating to.
Lonfyre 2013년 7월 8일 오후 2시 53분 
I can agree on the cutting the TF2 server, that was something that truly was created on a whim (a majority of the admins are avid TF2 players).

Honestly, if I were to make a theoretical road map then reviving the servers would follow along the lines of:
-Gathering of Resources (Maps, Playset, some goodies, tools)
-Donation Run for a new Sandbox Server (To cover 3 months of operation for a 16-20 Slot Gmod Server).
-Release of the new Sandbox Server (once a minimum of 3 months worth of operation costs were gathered...I'd say around $70 total).
-After 3 Months: If sufficient funds are available for the next 3 months to be paid, the server would be renewed and keep running. If a surplus is found, we would take a poll to decide what to do with the excessive funds (new server, or to somehow return it to the community in the form of a content/giveaway).

Just a start
insay 2013년 7월 8일 오전 10시 39분 
I Agree, with you lon, but for servers, i would cut a tf2 server , Focus more on a Sandbox and maybe TTT. it depends on how much money the servers get and if they even go up again, DarkRP idk, sorta depends on how the cards play out,
Bunny Omega 2013년 7월 8일 오전 10시 16분 
I would join a Dark RP homestuck server
Lumo Blaze 2013년 7월 8일 오전 6시 21분 
I would have to say cut the TF2 server, and would 100% advise trying to change it to a dark RP server, seeing as a lot of us found the Gmod Addon, and that tended to be where I saw a lot of the group spending time