Cold Case cc
Cold Case cc
게임 중
2009년 9월 6일
United States 
Cold Case 정보

Cold Case group!

Welcome to the Cold Case group! Here I will post news about the progress of everyone's favorite campaign!!!

Home page!!![]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
I am closing down the Cold Case group!
Cold Case REDUX? Meh
댓글 23
Procyon 2010년 3월 7일 오후 6시 37분 
I want to play Cold case right now. Please contact me...
Tя!cky ツ 2009년 11월 4일 오후 3시 27분 

Extract the CONTENTS of the folder to /left4dead. Pay attention that you extracted the CONTENTS of the CC folder directly into your left4dead folder.

INCORRECT: left4dead/CC (There must be NO CC folder, only the files and folders inside the CC folder)
CORRECT: /left4dead

If you install it to the addons folder on your server, it WILL NOT detect it.
DocBerry 2009년 11월 4일 오후 1시 23분 
Is there any real place where I can get some tech related help? I don't think the maps where packed as full bright so it must be me.
Gill 2009년 11월 2일 오후 7시 47분 
Fire your voice actor.
SteelChross 2009년 11월 1일 오후 8시 05분 
MrFranswa, elegantly laid out and thoughtfully created piece you have here. I can see the confusion for some of the weaker players, but I see the realism you put in. In that situation going into a building you have never been in.... who the hell would know where to go??? So the confusion was just a logical element of gameplay. I see a very bright future for you, just remember one named Lazarus Code if you ever need some digital music. Hit me up at and I will drop you something special, for a taste of what I can do for you.

And thank you so much for your time and effort! I have told all my L4D friends about this campaign and will continue to annoy them till they play it. Thanks to your fiance too, as a woman who puts up with a gamer/computer nerd is beyond value... believe me I know, I have one.
parasemic 2009년 11월 1일 오전 4시 40분 
It seems, people don't understand that a folder inside /addons work just as .vpk and can be played through lobby system. About the campaing, I think there was too much copied from other source games in the beginning, but from there I loved the map desing. Especially third chapter with all Jigsaw kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥ house where we all were scared ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ when (suddenly) Louis got stuck in trap room etc.... It took us allmost 3 hours to complete is on normal, but that is not a problem, it's made to be slow and more realistic and survivors can't allways know where to go.

Too bad people have to get confused with snd_redbuildaudiocache thing, but that is a l4d/source engine bug and cannot be fixed by campaing author.
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2009년 9월 6일
United States