กลุ่ม STEAM
Core Dynamic Systems CDSYS
กลุ่ม STEAM
Core Dynamic Systems CDSYS
6 มีนาคม 2016
เกี่ยวกับ Core Dynamic Systems

Star Citizen Organization

Fleet First
We are about to embark on a wonderful adventure full of unknown possibilities called Star Citizen. There are so many play options that Cloud Imperium Games said would be possible in the game either at the start or down the road. We know this is constantly evolving and those of us supporting the game are excited about all the possibilities.

What does FLEET FIRST stand for?

First of all, Star Citizen is an MMO, and designed to be played with others. These can either be random people, or with friends who work for a common goal and act with a shared set of values.

Second, Star Citizen at its core is a space simulation. Of course, it has been mentioned that it is possible to play the game without ever flying a ship, but the basic form of the game revolves around the premise of space flight.

Combining an MMO and a flight simulation together raises the option for creating a structure of communication and competency within an organization. FLEET FIRST seeks to create a culture of skill and efficiency within all members. Not everyone will be an expert, but everyone should be versed in the basics of brevity (our online headset voice communication), basic flight skills, basic ground combat and basic medic skills before engaging in organization sponsored missions and activities. Therefore, EVERYONE in the organization belongs to FLEET, and from there, can specialize and participate in any legal activity sanctioned within Star Citizen including mining, exploration, trade, bounty hunting, racing, whatever, except NO PIRACY or anything that would reflect badly on the reputation of the organization. Please read our Organization Rules for more information.

These FLEET FIRST requirements help install a feeling of confidence in fellow organization mates and add to the efficiency of mission profits by reducing avoidable expenditures, damage or unnecessary death. It is also damn fun to work as a team to overcome overwhelming odds.

The founding members of Core Dynamic Systems met each other within the Star Citizen Universe with no prior relationship before creating Core Dynamic Systems. The intention was to create an active, knowledgeable organization that worked to support its membership achieve unified goals within the Star Citizen universe. The emphasis on Fleet stems not only from the hope that an organization mate will not crash his super cool fighter he just purchased 5 minutes before into the ship that you spent 150 hours to earn, but also from the fact that it is really fun to work with a practiced and dedicated team without requiring hard-core commitment from its members.

To see this in action, join our TeamSpeak server and request to fly with us in Arena Commander or the PU. We can demonstrate BREVITY and answer any questions you have about our Core Dynamic Systems and the universe called Star Citizen.

Hi there have you seen our discord channel?[discord.gg]
Core Dynamic System Homepage[www.coredynamicsystems.com]
Mundane Monday
[Target Europe] EU friendly game time! Saturdays!
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6 มีนาคม 2016