STEAM グループ
Brothers 2 Lovers B2L Y2K
STEAM グループ
Brothers 2 Lovers B2L Y2K
Russian Federation 
Brothers 2 Lovers について


Sam’s body was still being racked with post-orgasm tremors when Dean pulled himself up off his back. Their sweat-slick skin peeled apart almost audibly, leaving Sam’s back exposed to the frigid air pumping out of the ancient air conditioner. Dean had cranked it up as high as it would go when he decided they wouldn’t be getting out of bed for the day. Hours had passed and now the room was as chilly as a meat locker despite their best attempts at melting the wallpaper off the walls with the ferocity of their lovemaking. Goose bumps spread over Sam’s back, down his arms, and across his chest, making his nipples stiffen against the crisp sheets. The sensation made a soft, needy-sounding moan escape his lips despite feeling more wrung out than he could even imagine. Dean had fucked him twice while Sam begged for it, deeper, harder. As a result, Sam came untouched both times.

Dean chuckled, low and deep in his chest, and tipped his head down to press stubbly kisses up the side of Sam’s sweat drenched neck. He pushed a few wet tendrils of Sam’s hair aside with his nose and licked up the edge of his hairline, pausing to kiss behind his ear. “You want more, you’re gonna hafta wait a bit, Sammy. Don’t think I’ll have another round in me for at least an hour.” Dean growled as he pulled away, gripping Sam’s waist as he finally slipped out. They groan-sighed almost in unison as their bodies separated, the sensation evaporating whatever rebuttal Sam had to Dean’s insinuation that he wanted to go again.

Not that he wasn’t insatiable lately, they both were. They’d been fucking like teenagers ever since leaving Broward County, Florida together after the Trickster finally released them from the Mystery Spot, safe and sound. Sam being extra sentimental in the aftermath of that experience seemed to push all of Dean’s buttons and, while they’d managed to work a few cases since, these “stay-in-the-room-and-fuck-until-we’re-sore” days were becoming a regular occurrence. Not that Sam minded in the slightest.

Dean padded off to the bathroom and Sam released a full-body sigh as he stretched out, long and lean. Eyes squinted shut, Sam extended his arms up above his head with his back arching like a cat. His cock was tucked up against the smooth plane of his belly, pressing down into the king-sized pillow Dean had shoved under his hips for a better angle during their last round. The movement made him all too aware of the wet patch spreading under his abdomen and Dean’s last load beginning to dribble out of his fucked-out hole.
3 件のコメント
wallsocket enthusiast 2021年10月4日 23時36分 
LegendofKaldera 2021年10月4日 23時26分 
Zoelle 2021年10月4日 23時14分 
3 チャット中
Russian Federation