Battlefield 3: Venice Unleashed BF3VU
Battlefield 3: Venice Unleashed BF3VU
21 stycznia 2016
Komentarzy: 45
TacTicToe 2 kwietnia 2024 o 1:01 
@Ace Athor there are about 50 servers online. All pretty much dead, probably 10 players across all of the servers. However, thanks to the beauty of VU, there are mods and as a result there are bots to play against. And they are quite good, in skill and how they play the game. You almost would not know you are playing bots, they are that good.

You can use your Steam or EA version of the game, just has to be a legit paid for copy. You will need to create an account on VU website and login to your game with those credentials. After that you can fire up the game, go into the web browser and find a game in your region or abroad. You should not have an issue finding a game with a good ping.

We used to host that Killing Crew server. Going to put it back up under our new name Salty Bawls and run our 24/7 Metro Grind server. Hope that helps...
Ace Athor 1 kwietnia 2024 o 2:09 
I don't have discord installed now so I ask here.
Is it still alive ?
Do I need the Steam version ? I have the Origin one (CD) and all DLCs
Is this OK for Europe (ping) ?
thiagocfn 30 grudnia 2020 o 6:45 
Of Course
Damian yogi 20 listopada 2020 o 13:47 
are you ready for Battlefield 3 2.0
PlagueofMidgets 7 lipca 2018 o 11:31 
It's not dead...There is a discord where the developers are active.
beyondsilence3 7 lipca 2018 o 5:24 
Harold_Crusader 4 lipca 2018 o 14:35 
I think the mod is dead...
PlagueofMidgets 3 czerwca 2018 o 11:39 
It is still being developed.
Xherdos 3 czerwca 2018 o 9:01 
any updates or is this mod dead already?
kiwidoge 11 grudnia 2016 o 19:21 
Zeus is still down for maintenance, sorry for the inconvenience. :steamsad:
C Papi 11 grudnia 2016 o 17:12 
getting an error "cannot connect to the zeus backend: error 0" plz help
Maju 7 grudnia 2016 o 16:56 
Thanks for The recent play test,, night ops was fun. Here is some footage from the session:
Xherdos 3 grudnia 2016 o 13:26 
pls update it finally even when its only 1 map but i want to play with AI :steamsad:
Harold_Crusader 15 września 2016 o 12:55 
next event?
Xherdos 11 września 2016 o 9:08 
when is the next update or better when is the singelplayer done?
Andrew The Skrub 2 września 2016 o 10:46 
Atleast give me a sign that you saw the message...
Andrew The Skrub 2 września 2016 o 10:42 
Ping or language dosen't matter
Andrew The Skrub 2 września 2016 o 10:40 
Im rounding up as many venice players as i can get, if you see this message, please join a server called,, the killing crew US central"
Maju 22 sierpnia 2016 o 4:54 
I was on server and it had a total of 4 players. Wish someone would organize games in EU region.
JuicyJayce 13 sierpnia 2016 o 19:50 
But why is it ?
Toxen 23 lipca 2016 o 9:57 
yep, it is
bendybongo 26 czerwca 2016 o 3:10 
Is VU dead?
Sen Bhapiro 15 maja 2016 o 21:05 
how do i get the Dev tools for VU? Ive been wanting to make a Zombies mode on Metro
PlagueofMidgets 10 maja 2016 o 3:52 
To play DLC maps on VU do you need Premium or just the base game?
sD 6 kwietnia 2016 o 9:24 
too bad i missed the 1st april mods, i wish there was such a server all the time - just for fun and messing around
Pablo 3 kwietnia 2016 o 16:41 
Can I leave this here? :3
Anthony817 31 marca 2016 o 14:36 
Hey Snapper, every Wednesday and Saturday evening I have multiplayer get-togethers. I tend to start them anytime from 3pm Texas time to 6PM, I understand that is close to midnight if I start really late for you guys, but I am trying to start them earlier about 3 from now on. That should be better for you guys. I start so late as that is the time most Americans are just getting home from work and out of school, so it is about the most ideal time to be all inclusive towards Americans and Europeans so we can all get on at once.
Snapper 30 marca 2016 o 18:14 
anyone wanna add me as a friend i have no one to play this mod with i live in ireland if anyone would be on the same time as me
DANNYonLAPTOP 30 marca 2016 o 10:49 
Nathan 10 marca 2016 o 17:56 
There may or may not be anyone having the same issue I had, but if there is , I have a solution. To anyone who could not launch VU since they've upgraded to Win10 , I have figured out that firstly you should uninstall VU and then reinstall it, but pay attention to where you are directing the program to install to. Make sure you install VU directly to the battlefield 3 folder located under "Origin Games". Doing this allows VU to launch in Win10 if it had previously not. Do not install VU to its own directory, instead install it inside the pre-existing BF3 director and you should be good to go.
Sentinowl 3 marca 2016 o 11:43 
Just downloaded this and played a few matches, other than the low population (I'm sure it'll get busier as morepeople hear about it) this mod is amazing, and I'll definitely prioritize it over the base game :3

Keep up the good work <3
EP 27 lutego 2016 o 17:24 
Hey guys
Elias 21 lutego 2016 o 11:34 
Hello ;)
Harold_Crusader 5 lutego 2016 o 1:01 
250th to join! :D
PlagueofMidgets 4 lutego 2016 o 16:08 
Thanks, I will check it out.
Anthony817 4 lutego 2016 o 14:25 
Also, just so people see it, here is a link to the official Venice Unleashed chat channel. You don't even really need to install anything to use this. It is like a really feature rich IRC. If you choose to install the app for Discord, it will even tell which game you are playing.
Anthony817 4 lutego 2016 o 14:22 
I am thinking of doing something like that. We had all the devs in the game too yesterday and people joined the discord channel and were all speaking on it and it was very fun.
Cyclops 4 lutego 2016 o 10:14 
I'm with PlagueofMidgets, I enjoyed yesterday's 'server test' :) maybe set up weekly games?
PlagueofMidgets 2 lutego 2016 o 19:52 
We should set up event dates to play so we can get a good number of players on at once. I think this would really benefit the community and the mod. :happymeat:
Anthony817 25 stycznia 2016 o 16:24 
That would be correct. Just jump in a server and give it a few mins. People tend to populate it at odd times. We are a community of players from all over the world so people jump on when they get off work/out of school or have free time.
Lord Inquisitor =][= 25 stycznia 2016 o 13:34 
Is it just me or are there only 11 servers running, out of which there is only one with players?
gigOsh 25 stycznia 2016 o 9:51 
Just joined. We are currently in the VU Discord Voice chan. Jump in!
Anthony817 22 stycznia 2016 o 17:50 
Ah awesome I will have to check it out! Feel free to post in the discussion section about gameplay videos or anything you record! It would be nice to have a screenshot section as well for funny moments.
Pablo 22 stycznia 2016 o 17:42 
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but you may have noticed me enjoying the spectator mode yesterday. I also recorded some of it. It's posted here :D
kiwidoge 22 stycznia 2016 o 9:41

DAS_UPVOTE Anthony's post is on the second page of pcmr, lets get to front page!