{Atop} Gamers atopgamers
{Atop} Gamers atopgamers
8 January, 2011
(CiD)Apophis 22 Dec, 2016 @ 5:32pm 
just lettin ya guys know who u got in with
SGT 21 May, 2014 @ 2:45pm 
i can't seem to find your server in the list
Ni4Ni 2 Feb, 2013 @ 10:20am 
lmfao hey Joe another ban huh lol face it you sux stop hacking
[MSRY] Mr. Romex 2 Dec, 2012 @ 7:15am 
As a member of this group you do not put Atop tags on. If you wish to become a clan member please go to {LINK REMOVED} We are always welcoming new members after getting to know you. Vent is required and you must be atleast 18 years old. Once you become a clan member you will be able to where the Atop tags. Thank you!
DeezNuts 29 Jul, 2012 @ 8:01pm 
as a member, do we have to put Atop tags?
Saint 19 Jun, 2012 @ 12:15pm 
Hello All! I have a problem that only YOU can take care of.
Yesterday (18 June 2012) I was in game w/you-all when a cat named "saint lo" became a BIG problem. He was banned, and unfortunately, I was banned at the same time by mistake. Could an admin please check the vids and get me un-banned? I have never had a prob w/Atop and I love playing your servers because they are so well policed. This cat showed up at the RBN server where I went after being banned by you, and he almost got me banned by them! Luckily, RBN caught it in time and I was OK.
Anyways, thanks any attention you could give on this one! Looking foreward to being back in our server -
FRIDEATH 12 Apr, 2012 @ 2:15pm 
We are looking for clans that want to scrim with us leave massage at
IRAQI SOLDIER 8 Oct, 2011 @ 7:16am 
hi there you remmember me
Dirty Frank 28 Sep, 2011 @ 10:05am 
Hello all, feel free to add me. LET'S PLAY!!
N3SSI3 21 Sep, 2011 @ 10:16pm 
Hm... I presonally wouldn't have spent the effort that was made to respond to this extrememly fowl mouthed rude person. I'd have deleted this person and blocked them from making any further comments and deleted the posts. I came across this cause I have ATOP in my groups and noticed in the community news that 3 comments had been made. So thought I'd come check it out. Wasn't expecting that!
REAPER® 17 Sep, 2011 @ 3:34pm 
Whatever I appologized for tk's, followed all the rules, and was still warned kicked and banned just because some asshole admin got pissed off that he was losing. The whole reason admin kicked me and started banning was because they said I wasn't playing the objective when I was the one planting bombs and defending them. That's what I'm talking about. That is fucking bullshit. Made up reason to kick me. Made up reason to warn me. Made up reason to ban me. In the end the best way to describe Atop is soar losers. Soar because they constantly get fucked in the ass. Losers because they suck at fps and have no life other than to set up a server where they try with all their might to make it impossible to win against them but still LOSE. And when they do they kick/ban whoever is the reason behind the loss, but sorry StaindGlass if I offended you by disrespecting your homo server.
Staindglass 17 Sep, 2011 @ 1:58pm 
Hello, I play on {Atop} servers for a long time now BECAUSE of the nearly constant Admin presence. I myself tk people and I apologize per the well as follow all the other rules. I was playing at the time you(Reaper) was had beed repeatedly warned before any action was taken. You need to find a server more fitting your style of play and lack of self can go on hating but we all love you! ggz hf...l8r Confucius Say
Well done is better than well said. P.S. totally agree with B00BIES statement below nuff said :)
REAPER® 17 Sep, 2011 @ 9:59am 
No, I followed all your rules its just that when your pussy ass admin get mad because they suck, they start kicking people for whatever reason they want even if you werent doing it while they do whatever the fuck they want. Maybe you all should man the fuck up and stop kicking people because your mad that you suck and learn how to play the fucking game. Whatever fuck you all you have all negative posts for your server and there is a reason for that. And if you are going to sit there and say all that bullshit you just wrote then you obviously haven't played on your own fucking server. I had no problem following the rules and WAS being respectful to all your members but they turned out to be a bunch of fucking d-bag fags that let their emotions override playing the game fairly just because they have the power to kick whoever they want . So now I don't give a shit. Get a bunch of negative posts for all i care.
JohnMcLame 17 Sep, 2011 @ 6:58am 
heres my answer to REAPER theres probably a reason if u got kicked from our server . we offer a low poinged tactical CROUCHED and profanity free server u must have not follow one of those rules if u are mad about it then fine go find an other server and we all play on vent and no we dont call shots over objective or where people are if so we do it on team chat in game so please be more respectful of rules and maybe uyoull stop cryin on our community channel
REAPER® 17 Sep, 2011 @ 2:34am 
Hey everyone, I just want to say that Atop is a bunch of homosexual little bitches who cry if they start to lose and kick people out for being better than them despite the fact that the whole Atop team is a bunch of cheatin ass fags who can't play this game without having one of their members on the other team telling them which objectives you are going to and they still lose. Atop you guys should change your names to A-bottom because you fags get fucked in the ass so fucking hard every game. Don't join this gay ass team or play on their server. Looks like im not the only one who experienceed you cocksucking little bitches who probly all got molested by your fathers when u were thirteen and never got over it.
- Sand- 24 Aug, 2011 @ 11:31am 
yea umm this clan is all a bunch of homes and losers who if they get tked just one they go ino a bitch fit and start kicking ppl out like my brother who was just messin around and yet u took it so seriusly and wow i and my bro just wanna say "U PPL SUCK COCK"
angelmaker98 31 Jul, 2011 @ 9:08pm