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AMV Hell Gamers AMV Hell
กลุ่ม STEAM
AMV Hell Gamers AMV Hell
16 มิถุนายน 2009
เกี่ยวกับ AMV Hell Gamers

A place where people from AMV Hell can frag each other or team up together.

AMV Hell[amvhell.com]
AMV Hell 7 is Online.
AMV Hell Minis Challenge #21 (May 21st to June 3rd)
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Zarxrax:
AMV Minis Challenge #21: This is what I have to deal with
Entry Period: May 21 - June 03

Alright, this challenge will turn things on its head a little bit. You can only submit a video that was REJECTED from AMV Hell 7. What's more, I want you to choose your rejected video that you feel is your WORST one. During the voting round, voters will be instructed to choose the worst video this time, instead of the best.
Mediocre video creators of the world, I say unto thee, you may have failed at achieving anything of great significance, but you can still go down in infamy!

Please note that entries must still meet the requirements of AMV Minis, namely that they must be under 40 seconds and can't have too adult stuff.
Entries may be edited for the purpose of meeting the requirements, but should otherwise be unmodified.
This round will only have a 2 week entry period, since no one needs to actually make anything. If one of your videos is still stuck in "maybe" limbo and you need a solid rejection, let me know.

Before creating your video, please be sure to read over the following page, which details the rules and explains how to submit your video:

7 ความเห็น
JediMaster80 29 เม.ย. 2015 @ 1: 50pm 
If anybody posts in the group, message my profile.
I don't get notifications when there is a post in the group comments.
JediMaster80 16 ธ.ค. 2014 @ 5: 54pm 
Kinda sucks this group has pretty much died out.

I wish i had remembered to make other people mods and admins.
Had the Mods/Admins from the AMV Hell Website joined the group, i would have made them Admins right away and they could do what they wanted with it.
Filleraol 20 พ.ค. 2014 @ 8: 03pm 
Oh damn, forgot this group. Haven't used Steam that much lately.
Aaanywaaayy...reading my old comments from 5 years ago in this group. I sound so retarded.
JediMaster80 23 พ.ย. 2013 @ 9: 02pm 
If any of the Staff of the AMV Hell Website see this, let me know.

I will make you admins right away. I should have said something before.
♪Draft♪ Cat 1 ก.ย. 2013 @ 6: 15am 
*Grabs Defibulator.
Shuiia 30 เม.ย. 2013 @ 12: 42am 
1 ในแช็ต
16 มิถุนายน 2009