AsiaFortress MM Beta afmm_mix
AsiaFortress MM Beta afmm_mix
게임 중
2016년 3월 9일
AsiaFortress MM Beta 정보

AsiaFortress Matchmaking Beta Test Group

Feel free to start your own testing sessions.

Currently planned test sessions:

AsiaFortress Mumble:
Port: 64778

Things to take note of:
- P-REC will crash your game if you try to start the queue
- Update your custom HUDs and/or remove them or risk crashing
- If you go AFK in the server you will be kicked and placed in low priority

Latest notes:
Added in-game match status UI
-> When using "best of 3" format, displays each team's round win count
Added team status panels
-> For your team, shows class information, health, and respawn status
-> For the enemy team, shows alive or dead status
Match abandon system improvements (competitive-specific)
-> Low priority players are now matched into games more quickly than before, however they will only be allowed to play against other players that are also in the low-priority system.
-> When players abandon official matches, the matchmaking system will now adjust their penalty time and/or method based on their history of abandoning.
-> If too many games are abandoned, the player will be banned from official matchmaking (e.g. Competitive and Mann-Vs-Machine) for a period of time.
-> For players that have a history of abandoning games, normal behavior (i.e. playing games to completion) reduces the severity of future abandon penalties.
-> When clicking the "Start Search" button, players and parties with low-priority status or bans are now shown the expiration date and time of the penalty (in the case of parties, the largest penalty).
-> Player stats and medals will now display for players that disconnect after the game is over.
-> Fixed a case where the server would sometimes incorrectly print that a player had abandoned the game - usually after the game was successfully completed.
->Fixed a case where a party leader would enter matchmaking while some of their party was still connected to the previous match server, and they would become incorrectly flagged as abandoned.
인기 토론글
댓글 5
teejay 2016년 3월 19일 오전 10시 37분 
Caldoran 2016년 3월 18일 오후 9시 03분 
All original Beta Pass holders are getting 7 more Passes as of today.

Before giving them out, please check the spreadsheet in the Discussions section of this group.

Caldoran 2016년 3월 10일 오전 3시 00분 
+1 to nagy

Everyone please take note, crashing will likely lead to low priority but I'll personally be trying.
nagy 2016년 3월 9일 오후 10시 10분 
Also remember that you need to activate your Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator on your smartphone. (For at least seven days?)
nagy 2016년 3월 9일 오후 10시 03분 
mat_dxlevel 95

As of writing, HUDs & P-REC do not work.
You may need to remove the latter as well, as prec_mode 0 does not disable it entirely.

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0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 3월 9일
관계된 게임