‎The Roman Empire‎ ((SP QR))
‎The Roman Empire‎ ((SP QR))
1 Δεκεμβρίου 2012
727 σχόλια
-zDs- El Gran Capitán 16 Οκτ 2016, 12:39 
Ok, it's done. Roma Invicta!
Von Desslock I. 15 Οκτ 2016, 18:44 
On our website you will find government information, maps, documents and the page to sign up
|♔| ~Zanool~ |♔| 15 Οκτ 2016, 13:12 
You only need to sign up on the website, everything else happens here
Gelehrte 15 Οκτ 2016, 12:02 
No, all the interaction happens here. The website is only for info and sign up.
|♔| ~Zanool~ |♔| 15 Οκτ 2016, 11:32 
Just sign up on the website and the consulate will appoint u to the senate, as long as there are seats remaining in the senate. I think there is only one seat left, so sign up fast!!! :D
-zDs- El Gran Capitán 15 Οκτ 2016, 8:45 
What are the requirements to become senator?
Von Desslock I. 13 Οκτ 2016, 7:08 
No, the government has other representations: The Magistrates, the Tribunes of the assembly of the plebs.
rose colored ryan 12 Οκτ 2016, 18:21 
Is this exclusively senator characters only?
Von Desslock I. 11 Οκτ 2016, 17:25 
Akrosan 11 Οκτ 2016, 15:22 
What is the current date
Von Desslock I. 11 Οκτ 2016, 8:57 
En Sabah Nur, you are Egyptian, even if you have been educated in Rome, you are not a Patrician, therefore, will not be appointed to the office of Senator.
However, due to the fact that you have been adopted and raised by a Roman family and considering your riches, slaves and your position as Equestrian, you can afford to be a member of tribune of the plebs.
However, I must warn you that in the future, your position may be reviewed by the Roman Assembly.

And be aware that your egyptian religion can not be practiced within the walls of Rome.
Von Desslock I. 11 Οκτ 2016, 8:21 
add me
Intlander 11 Οκτ 2016, 6:36 
Here I am.
Von Desslock I. 10 Οκτ 2016, 20:38 
I believe it is no longer needed, mainly because I decided to form the Republic of Rome.
Omega 28 Φεβ 2016, 20:25 
hey i know the dynastys dont alwasy get along, but if rp is going to survive we need ot gett all the dynastys to communicate and fix this issue, we should haev meeting with desslocks,tyrells,Mcgregors,Juneaps all of us and work on Solving this problem because at the moment there are two rps i know of active and they arent functioning very well... the rest have been tryign to reset for at least a month. i think a little teamwork to save the Rp community right now is nessecary so please add me so we can figurre this out
RMidway 25 Φεβ 2016, 16:13 
Update on when the RP will open signups?
[*VGS*] Chris 24 Φεβ 2016, 8:10 
Please refrain from advertising Roleplays on this page.
Omega 20 Φεβ 2016, 21:52 
Hey New Rp starting give it a try
Vallon 16 Φεβ 2016, 19:26 
duke charles iv of lorraine will be a proud member of our great empire
Vallon 16 Φεβ 2016, 19:25 
i could also create a court as my group has more than 3 members, and i already have a house even if you make it official or not the house of habsburg-lorraine will live on
Vallon 16 Φεβ 2016, 19:23 
i am the head of a group called the duchy of lorraine and we control burgundy,castile,and austria as i am ruler, i will in the future hold the aragonese throne but not until my father juan de trastamara abdicates. I gave control of the netherlands to my father and the mother duchess as a gift. I would be most grateful if my nation were made an elector and we would happily pay for such an honor.
Augustulus 16 Φεβ 2016, 14:42 
What should I say. Ashkii & Aemilia said enough and Varis gave good information. All I can say is: "lets find a way to get all groups on 1 map, no time area". But we will need rules and a few leaders. But the past learns there are always a few that doesn't listen. So we need fair leaders. Keep the fun. Honestly I thought all roleplaying was gone.

Free roleplaying, with rules to keep it fun for everyone. Lets find a way to get that.
|♔| ~Zanool~ |♔| 16 Φεβ 2016, 12:31 
actually, most historical role play groups today including this group are not about repeating history. they are only set in a time period in history for example this one is set in the 1400 (middle ages) however, u can RP the way you want, you dont have to follow history, no one ever does that. you can do what u want an change history and the outcome. for example, i was the Pope in this RP and i called for a crusade against the ottoman empire even though the crusades ended before 1400.

but yes i do agree with you, RP groups in the past were much better than today, specially because it was all free RP, there were no internal role plays (tiers). The Desslock France CyberCore Europe RP was a great example of an amazing free RP group set in the Napoleonic Wars with many RP groups acting as different nations connected to each other. CyberCore Europe was of course role playing as France.
{TLR} Aemilia Lepida Bursio XIX 16 Φεβ 2016, 11:55 
It is about time to bring in the old ways of roleplaying again. It is not about playing history over and over again. You don't need to play battles to get that done. Real roleplaying was about changing history. About things that could have happened. Think about how the world would have been if the years were not about the birthday of Jezus. Think about the world if we still fought with swords. The world would have been so much different. I know, people think TLR is the only group that roleplay that way. They are wrong, we are the last group that roleplayed that way. There are almost no roleplaying groups left. It is time to have 1 world. Rules for everyone. You can use nations that exist, but they might be on other location, bigger or smaller. Everything is possible. That is how I think roleplaying should be again.
{TLR} Ashkii Caesarion Eluwisii 16 Φεβ 2016, 11:29 
Call it sleeping, we always return.
Polio Rolio 16 Φεβ 2016, 11:07 
I thought the TLR were dead group
{TLR} Ashkii Caesarion Eluwisii 16 Φεβ 2016, 10:28 
Why follow history, why so bound to a time period? Build your own legacy! Why would you play if you know how it will end?

I have been in roleplaying for 4 years and I see groups like this come and go. New groups get created and dissapear. A few groups made their own legacy. They also died, but are remembered. Their legacy will never dissapear. Actually some of those groups come back when you don't suspect them. Never forget the Legendary Empire of Kingdoms. Because when you do, it will rise again. When it rises, it will bring many old roleplayers with it, to overthrow the beginners. To finish what they started. A roleplaying with known rules. A roleplaying where you can start your own legacy. Mark my words, the Legendary Empire of Kingdoms will wake up again.
Gelehrte 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:45 
Thank you, Lewis for informing us. Now, we may try to clean this more quick. I am sorry to everyone for needing to see all this spamming. We have already unmodded him, and we will work more than ever to make sure spamming will never happen again.
Von Desslock I. 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:37 
His childishness not earned him nothing more than infamy, the next time you want to draw attention, To try using your head like a hammer and put on YouTube.
JTA 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:26 
Overall damages were 570 Postings
Rav 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:24 
The nations leader was very aware
even invited to watch when i sent invites to watch to everyone else, so his defense that he was cheated is invalid, and the fact taht i beat his clan general that he perceives as invicnible is another fact he does not like when i lose you do not see me denying that i lost and army no i owned up to it let me make another point, had i lsot the army would have been lost, any one who says otherwise is out of touch with reality and should see a shrink.
JTA 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:16 
Oh god I remember rickmydick and the war between Shadowfate and Augustus VERY well.
Von Desslock I. 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:15 
Not even Rick and Fruition managed to scare me, I lost my original Steam account in a hackers war. A Spam will not intimidate me.
Sebastian 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:15 
What the fuck did you just say? Was that English? Seriously kid, go to school and LEARN English. You have no place in RP until then.
JTA 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:14 
It's about 523 Posts.
Bavariano Sacudo 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:13 
Oh, God.
Von Desslock I. 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:13 
Indeed, its strategy was very smart. You did a spam, and is now seen as a noob.
What about your "Victory", your did a battle without speaking to the nation's leader.
JTA 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:11 
Spam ends at page 113
Rav 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:10 
i cheated lol i won fair and suqr with 4 people spectating
and admin abuse prevails once again and unlike most i haev the power to do somethign agisnt it
CRISTIANO RONALDO 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:08 
@Samuel. Ikr, it was a joke on the massive spam of victory announcements, lol.
Von Desslock I. 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:07 
Sebastian 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:06 
Desslock, remove this guy for spam. He's clearly a noob.
Д а н к о в с к и й 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:06 
Opposite actually, the guy who made it cheated and when the admin voided it he decided to spam.
CRISTIANO RONALDO 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:06 
It seems that the crusaders are victorious.
CaesarTheCzar 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:06 
Sebastian 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:05 
Sebastian 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:05 
Д а н к о в с к и й 31 Ιαν 2016, 15:05 
God I hate butthurt morons
Von Desslock I. 24 Ιαν 2016, 11:31 
//Problem solved.
The Silent Voice 24 Ιαν 2016, 3:20 
The site is not working, I can't write myself in...