Warhammer 40k: Space Marine WH40k: SM
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine WH40k: SM
28 de julio de 2010
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Evil_Skeletor 17 JUN 2012 a las 8:20 a. m. 
Saw it going for cheap on one web store so I thought: " ♥♥♥♥ it! All I can loose is 12£." I am pleased to say that after loading I never looked back!
[R.U.N]Warmaster [RUS] 1 JUN 2012 a las 4:39 p. m. 
Battlefront 3 by the way is being developed...
[R.U.N]Warmaster [RUS] 1 JUN 2012 a las 4:36 p. m. 
I love the game, although some of the armor challenges are really annoying, I for example am a bad shooter player, and even for me it was hard to get a grudge kill, Ihave scored 1 Grudge Kill in a year. So, I hope when Dark Millenium will be ready it will be better than Space Marine at least in this, because Space Marine is such a unique multiplayer game its mechanics have to be incorporated into something else. But, I do not want to shot through a wall by a bolter, such a lagg must be fixed somehow, because such a matchmaking system ruins the whole multiplayer. so there either must be a dedicated server or something else because hosting such a good games and allowing them to lagg is just painfull, physically. Concerning single player, I did not felt so powerful before, just scything through a horde of enemies was very interesting, especially when you fight traitor marines in the end, there some tactics are to be implemented.
DjordjeZIM 29 ENE 2012 a las 4:31 p. m. 
game is epic except for the part im always ganked until i use the lascannon and get a triple kill haha but for some reason my damn space marine wont work steam servers too busy alll the time for me to play :(]
Rakilonn 19 DIC 2011 a las 2:28 p. m. 
I thought this game would be a bad game when I saw the scores of the reviews. But when I saw a video of the multiplayer with the jetpack I knew it will be fun. :) (I recently bought the Blood Angel codex so the assault class was the best news I can receive :) ) I am lvl 41 and I have not yet launched the solo mode :)
Tepic 22 SEP 2011 a las 2:10 p. m. 
Oldmanfang Horde with 'nids.... Best co-op ever!
Γevi 19 SEP 2011 a las 11:44 a. m. 
well @triniwarlord there is a free DLC coming up some where in october a 4 player CO-OP vs horde of orks
Gargantaur 18 SEP 2011 a las 8:10 p. m. 
Well as a Warhammer fan I truly enjoyed the game, however a Co-op mode would hav made it a seriously unforgettable experience. @ Oldmanfang: There is an announcement of an Exterminatus mode coming so I'm looking forward to that for sure.
Nihilistic Truth 16 SEP 2011 a las 9:20 p. m. 
I agree.. Co-Op or a horde siege mode with tyranids.. would be bad ass..
Campbell's Chicken Noodle 16 SEP 2011 a las 8:35 p. m. 
Muuuch better than expected :P Definitely one of my better purchases as of late. I'm really looking forward to the cop-op :P