STEAM グループ
World of Tanks America/Eurpeon WoTAE
STEAM グループ
World of Tanks America/Eurpeon WoTAE
United States 
World of Tanks America/Eurpeon について

Welcome to the World of Tanks America/European community!

Welcome to the newly created World of Tanks American/European group! We are a brand new community and hope to grow bigger with the support of you the players and members of the group.

Current rank listing:
USSR General - Myles
USSR Colonel - None
USSR Lieutenatn Colonel - None
USSR Major - None
USSR Captain - None
USSR First Lieutenant - None
USSR Second Lieutenant - None
USSR Sergeant Major of Army - None
USSR Command Sergeant Major - None
USSR Sergeant Major - None
USSR First Sergeant - None
USSR Master Sergeant - None
USSR Sergeant First Class - None
USSR Staff Sergeant - None
USSR Sergeant - None
USSR Corporal - None
USSR Specialist - None
USSR Private First Class - None
USSR Private - Standard

Wehrmacht General - None
Wehrmacht Colonel - None
Wehrmacht Lieutenatn Colonel - None
Wehrmacht Major - None
Wehrmacht Captain - None
Wehrmacht First Lieutenant - None
Wehrmacht Second Lieutenant - None
Wehrmacht Sergeant Major of Army - None
Wehrmacht Command Sergeant Major - None
Wehrmacht Sergeant Major - None
Wehrmacht First Sergeant - None
Wehrmacht Master Sergeant - None
Wehrmacht Sergeant First Class - None
Wehrmacht Staff Sergeant - None
Wehrmacht Sergeant - None
Wehrmacht Corporal - None
Wehrmacht Specialist - None
Wehrmacht Private First Class - None
Wehrmacht Private - Standard

USA General - Stegosaurus
USA Colonel - None
USA Lieutenatn Colonel - None
USA Major - None
USA Captain - None
USA First Lieutenant - None
USA Second Lieutenant - Daniel
USA Sergeant Major of Army - None
USA Command Sergeant Major - None
USA Sergeant Major - None
USA First Sergeant - None
USA Master Sergeant - None
USA Sergeant First Class - None
USA Staff Sergeant - None
USA Sergeant - None
USA Corporal - None
USA Specialist - None
USA Private First Class - None
USA Private - Standard

You can choose to be in any faction on the community, but, if you are a Corporal in USA and want to switch to USSR, you will have to start back from Private. Any questions, please PM on steam.

World of Tanks Official Website[]
Looking for Wehrmacht General!
Please invite your friends so community can grow!
3 件のコメント
76561198058638183 2016年1月18日 15時15分 
I buy any Steam game in exchange for an account - level X - in WoT.
LightWeaponsGuy 2013年4月27日 19時32分 
I could be another German rank since Lego has an E-50 (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Epic Medium) I have a Panther/M10 and about to buy an Indein Panzer.
LegoSquidman 2013年2月17日 16時48分 
If we need a German Top General who plays german tanks in World Of Tanks I could do it own a E-75 working for E-100 World Of tanks name is Legosquidman
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United States