The Fighting XIVth XIVth_CH
The Fighting XIVth XIVth_CH
8 March, 2014
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
ABOUT The Fighting XIVth

Greetings Marine. SIgn up with the The Fighting XIVth and win the WAAAAAGH!

Hello there. Live in the UK or anywhere in the rest of Europe? (Aw heck.. Anywhere else for that matter heh), Do you like to play Space Marine obsessively and can't get enough? Do you have trouble getting a game in MP (Other than Seize Ground that is)? and would very much like to play the other modes, with hopefully, what will be a bunch of easy going experienced players. Then sign up here today!

Any nationality accepted. Any level of player accepted. All participation appreciated. Join up and help keep this great game alive (As well as maybe breath a bit of life back into what is the greatest slaughterfest in gaming history).

Come and be a member of The XIVth Chapter.... The Fighting XIVth !

This gaming group has been set up for all fans of Warhammer 40,000 SPACE MARINE and other games set in the 40K universe. It has come about mainly because, out of all the million other SM groups that exist here on STEAM. They all seem to be doing very little for the remaining gaming community. They just exist and are nothing more. (The excellent RED THIRST being the only knowable exception, running Space Marine nights nearly every wednseday @ 2000 GMT as well as the odd DoW event to boot).

The aim of the XIVth Chapter is to build up a steady community of loyal players who are still enjoying this great game. And then maybe go the extra mile into organising SM/Dow/Dow2/DowUAm gaming events and other such violence, for its members.

All that is required of new recruits, is that they should be of an open friendly character. That are equally open to acts of extreme brutality on the battlefield.
Skill level does not matter as much as the need to play the various modes of the game. As well as the want for the pursuit of some violent bloody 40K fun.

For the Chapter... For the Emperor !
XIVth Chapter Congregation of Battle. First Sunday of EVERY month starting THIS Sunday 6th April.