กลุ่ม STEAM
[UAV] - Unstoppable Allied Vanguards [UAV]
กลุ่ม STEAM
[UAV] - Unstoppable Allied Vanguards [UAV]
14 สิงหาคม 2007
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ [UAV] - Unstoppable Allied Vanguards

The Unstoppable Allied Vanguards

A clan for people of all skill levels and all interests, especially those not dedicated enough to participate in a more involved clan, but still want to part of a community. We were founded Easter Weekend 2005 in East Central Wisconsin, so that seven of us could put a clan tag before our names at QuakeCon X that year. [UAV] is a lazy clan that does not do a lot of normal clan things like regular events, and most members don't bother using their clan tag in-game. However, [UAV] is an easy way of keeping track of friends, and when the forum was active we developed a rich heraldry of medals and ranks. [UAV] may seem somewhat dormant, mainly due to the laziness of the President, [UAV]Valkyrie, but it is always ready to resume being a clan if there is a reason to have a better clan, like a new game. Though we are a 'fail' clan, we still have some people who are good at gaming, who themselves are "Unstoppable Allied Vanguards!"

Steam community membership is invite-only presently. If you would like to be a member [UAV] (or you are a member, just not linked to the Steam community), please ask any member. Not all of our members are in the [UAV] Steam community, we also have a presence on Xfire, and some members are in neither. Please visit our website at uav.game-server.cc, or email the clan at the not-so-often checked email address of clanuav---at---gmail---dot---com ([UAV] hates spam...)

We are not affliated with the XBOX clan called UAV that plays Modern Warfare, =UaV= (Unity and Valor), or any other UAV clan. We were founded in 2005, and believe we were the first clan called "UAV"

[UAV] Honor Code

Like Klingons, [UAV] fights with honor, and a victory without honor is not victory. [UAV] does not condone cheating for an advantage, and will punish or kick cheaters. If you see someone cheating in our clan, please notify an officer.

To this end, we have special rules for Modern Warfare 2, because of the hacking problem.
We ban aimbots, wallhacks, health cheats, etc., since they give you an unfair advantage. Prestiging on a hack server is exempt because you cannot control that, and it does not give you a direct advantage. However, every effort should be made to restore and prevent this, such as using the MW2Config Utility. Finally, using exploits such as One Man Army noobtube switching, quickscoping, overpowered weapons (Akimbo G18, etc), and other glitches are fine, but looked down upon by some members.

[UAV] is hack-free in MW2.

Main Homepage (never updated)[www.angelfire.com]
The Forum (not active for a while)[uav.8.forumer.com]
New Website[uav.game-server.cc]
MW2 Double XP Weekend!
CS:S Beta Keys!
2 ในแช็ต
14 สิงหาคม 2007
United States