UAB Anime Club UABAC
UAB Anime Club UABAC
8 December, 2011
United States 
Bearshurel 30 Aug, 2013 @ 5:32pm 
Anyone interested in a long-running Neverwinter Nights group or other CRPG? Baldur's Gate?
Monte 3 Jan, 2013 @ 1:22am 
New blog will be up and running soon. Please message me if you are interested in contributing. Decent grammar and sensical writing is a must.
-lSRl- Dash 30 Dec, 2012 @ 6:45pm 
If we want something short to marathon a few episodes or do two short instead of one long i have a slowly growing list. im honestly thinking psycopass is going to be what i recommend
Monte 27 Dec, 2012 @ 1:27am 
Any requests we have for a possible vote on series?

I'm thinking Girls und Panzer or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Either series ought to be amusing.
-lSRl- Dash 15 Oct, 2012 @ 12:13pm 
tf2 night part 2 planned for tomorrow. be prepared
-lSRl- Dash 15 Aug, 2012 @ 9:59pm 
If anyone is interested in the previously planned team fortress 2 event, we will try to have it at some point this semester, this will most likely be whatever public server we can get and the new hoard mode. if anyone is interested in participateing please let me know and if you have access to a private tf2 server please dont hesitate to mention it.
-lSRl- Dash 15 Aug, 2012 @ 9:56pm 
Okay, for those of you who check on the steam, Anime club starts its first official meeting for fall semester tomorrow, Thursday August 16th with our regularly scheduled viewing night along with basic introductions and probably more to be announced. Like all other viewing nights this semester, Thursday meetings, unless other wise told we will meet in room 105 of the humanities building from 7-10pm. hope to see yall there.
Monte 21 Jul, 2012 @ 10:55am 
Just in case anybody missed it. We are now having summer meets. 7:00-10:00 in HB105 each Thrusday.
-lSRl- Dash 6 Jun, 2012 @ 6:21pm 
planning summer anime club, stay tuned.
-lSRl- Dash 6 Jun, 2012 @ 3:31am 
Working on TF2 event. stay tuned
Adam 19 Mar, 2012 @ 5:16pm 
Can we have that mascot yet please?
76561198059314094 9 Mar, 2012 @ 7:12pm 
I gotta admit the peng. we saw this time was really twisted.
Monte 1 Mar, 2012 @ 9:40pm 
Congrats to ninjaKat for winning our Haiku contest.
Monte 29 Jan, 2012 @ 1:08am 
Check for other anime related anime.
Bubbles and Noodles 17 Jan, 2012 @ 10:48pm 
And so the lord said unto John, "Come fourth and recieve eternal life" but John came fifth and won a toaster.
Hi guys
Sneakernets [QC24] 17 Jan, 2012 @ 5:30pm 
Akemi Yukimura 27 Dec, 2011 @ 5:26pm 
-lSRl- Dash 15 Dec, 2011 @ 1:18pm 
Monte 11 Dec, 2011 @ 1:02am 