TSAchievements TSAchievemen
TSAchievements TSAchievemen
2015. október 24.
15 megjegyzés
Mummie jan. 7., 13:42 
:steamthumbsup: gud website but i wish it was a bit more active like the xbox/playstation counter parts
TOMI1985 2021. júl. 11., 5:38 
   :butterfly: Hi, could you award me? I'll award you back! :) :butterfly:
ManuBAD iT 2020. szept. 25., 7:29 
If anyone want to help for online achievements in Madden NFL 21 are welcome!
Der Biermeister 2020. jún. 4., 6:43 
Timewarp two years later :3
C64 Mat 2018. ápr. 24., 9:55 
They've started an 'algorithm' which automatically caps (read: fucks up) the points. Site is worthless now.
MrL0G1C 2018. ápr. 8., 7:35 
So when I look at the games I've 100%'ed on they show up and it kind of recognises I got all achievements but the TSA stat shows as 0... What's that all about?
C64 Mat 2017. máj. 2., 12:00 
Hi everyone!

Quick update:

I have ONE COPY LEFT of GEM CRAFT - Chasing Shadows which includes over 400 Steam Achievements, to trade. Gem Craft retails on Steam at £6.99, and is rated as Very Positive from hundreds of reviews. (I also play it, and I love the game).

I'd like to trade it for, preferably, some of the Artifex Mundi HOGs, but I'm open to trading for anything of a similar value.

My keys are actual game keys too, not gifts or anything like that.

Hit me up if interested :)

I also have one of each of these:
Desolate Wastes: Vendor Chronicles
Bloodbath Kavkaz
Araya_koko 2017. márc. 15., 2:38 
Hi everyone:steamfacepalm:
C64 Mat 2017. febr. 27., 4:09 
Everyone feel free to add me here and on TSA (Mataeus). Love all things cheev / trading card related! Xbox gamers can see my link to TA on my homepage, too :steamhappy:
OldManXander 2016. szept. 22., 12:02 
anyone on here feel free to add me as well as on the actual TSA website - same GamerTag
atesz 2016. jan. 6., 6:24 
Thanks for the invite.
Finality 2015. dec. 20., 22:26 
TSA is the proper acronym for TrueSteamAchievements... and looks pretty good for a group/clan tag.
Finality 2015. dec. 20., 22:25 
TSA, TrueSteamAchieves or TrueSteam might be a better option than TrueSteamAchievemen.
PuRe Pretzel 2015. dec. 17., 15:43 
That's not the name, but yes i did run out of room.
PuRe Pretzel 2015. okt. 25., 13:25 
Just so you know it won't let you put Steam in the group name