The Galactic Rato Confederation G Rato Conf
The Galactic Rato Confederation G Rato Conf
31. Januar 2018
ÜBER The Galactic Rato Confederation

The Galactic Rato Imperial Confederation {GRIC}

The Galactic Rato Imperial Confederation

Motto:Imperii. Libertatem. Carborundum.
For the greater good of the empire, and for the liberty of all rodents.


In the years 2160-2200, various governments and factions fought for control of Earth and its first Colonies. As overpopulation and unrest on Earth mounted, new political resurgences of Fascism and Neo-Communism, waging war and nearly ending all life on earth. Elected leader of the first Rato state, Bald Rato waged an all out war at heavy loss and united Earth and its primary colonies under a new premise: The Galactic Rato Confederation.
The initial years were glorious, with many alliances and states uniting to maintain the peace within the Confederation.

On February 3, 2525 the URG (Unified Rodent Government) colony of Norvegicus detected an unknown object on its long-range radar. The object was constructed with materials unlike anything seen before. All contact with Norvegicus was lost soon after. Ships sent to the system revealed that it was destroyed by an alien group, the Mice-Kind. A battle group was sent but was defeated by the technologically superior Mice-Kind ships. Only one ship made it back, the CMA Heracles. They returned with a message that was sent to them, pre-translated, saying, "Your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instrument."

In response, Vice Admiral Terry the Rato mobilized the largest space fleet in Rodent history to retake Norvegicus. The fleet defeated the Mice-Kind ships at Norvegicus in 2531 but at great cost with Terry the Rato losing two-thirds of his fleet. The highly advanced Mice-Kind shielding and weapons systems simply outclassed anything they had and so began the slow destruction of the Rato race. One by one the G.R.I.C. colonies were lost until by 2535, virtually all of the Outer colony worlds had been destroyed by the Mice-Kind and the Inner colonies were being invaded. The Terry Protocol was established by military order: all Rat vessels must ensure that Mice-Kind forces do not find Earth. To achieve this, whenever a Rato vessel must jump out of a battle, they must do so to a randomized vector that points away from any Human worlds.

The year is 2540, and only a handful of our colonies remain.
It is imperative to our Empire and to that of all Rato's that we must muster nothing but all of our forces, and strike back at the heart of the Mice, taking back our rightful land and returning our Empire to it's unquestioned glory.

Unite, Rato's of the Galactic Empire! Let us bring Mice-Kind to it's knees.
Welcome, new recruits!
2 Kommentare
⚡ Odaenathus 3. März 2018 um 9:42 
wow im gay
Rato 31. Jan. 2018 um 15:41 
All hail Rato-Kind! :ratsimulator:
Gruppenspieler der Woche:
Chat betreten
31. Januar 2018