The Secret World Game Funcom
The Secret World Game Funcom
7 april 2009
United States 
95 opmerkingen
Vox Populi 12 aug 2022 om 20:31 
*Wave* anyone alive here?
ƁāāŁĐāƦƙѲƒƜāƦ 6 jun 2020 om 16:22 
Algum br por aqui?
ValkyrLee 🧜☕⚔🐉 20 mei 2020 om 2:51 
To stop the weird crashes in Secret World Legends - directX11:
1) Right click the game in your Steam Library.
2) Go to Properties then the Local Files tab.
3) Click Browse Local Files.
4) Locate the game executable (*3 listed below).
5) Right click it and go to Properties.
6) Click the Compatibility tab.
7) Check the Run this program as an administrator box.
8) Click Apply.
*Files to change:

Set Options (Client Patcher Window) to:** Windowed Borderless & Tick Full Client
Do a clean install of your lastest graphics drivers (uninstall and install again clean rather than update)
Change AwesomiumProcess.exe in your game files to compatability mode for windows 7
Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019
CptSm0llett 24 nov 2016 om 4:20 
"Do many people still play" - dungeons and pvp are popping more or less frequent, so i wouldnt worry about that
"Last time I logged in the zones were pretty empty" - that was done by devs on purpose, the soft cap on shard for zone is 10-15 people or so
Is end game content any good? - Depends on what you are expecting from it, really. There are 8 "classic" dungeons in two (5 earliest in three) difficulties. 2 and half newer dungeons, but they require higher group coordination and a bit higher gear. 3 raids.
And for more info i'd recommend to go on forum, which i've linked just below your post, as there will be much more people able to give a bit more detailed info as i'm not playing actively right now.
Ah and another thing. If you'll try to play, then i'd recommend to join to chat channel sanctuary (type /chat join sanctuary ingame) as there are lots of helpful people
emi 24 nov 2016 om 2:08 
I wouldn't mind checking out TSW again. Do many people still play? Last time I logged in the zones were pretty empty. Is end game content any good?
CptSm0llett 2 jul 2015 om 11:30 
many people do. i'd recommend to check for more info, this group isnt updated anymore
BigBadWolf 2 jul 2015 om 9:49 
someone still playing this game?
Starrweaver 26 sep 2014 om 12:15 
Hi, Looking for other players to play with. I've not played much due to having to have surgery due to cancer - it sucks! Slowly trying to get back into gaming. So looking for others to play with from Steam. If you want to play, drop me a note!
Brorius 30 jun 2014 om 6:54 
Someone have a 3-day trial code?
Reverie 28 mei 2014 om 8:06 
Search for Friends to play with.

Ingame: Fujisuko
Buldak 24 mei 2014 om 2:48 
Greetings citizens. I got this game during a sale a while back purely out of curiosity. I'm not an MMO person by any means, but this game has really proven it's worth (and even conned a bit of cash shop money out of me). I'm on Leviathan, if that matters, and wouldn't mind running with some folks.
gotomah 7 mei 2014 om 16:16 
Hola buenas, alguna cábala española aún en activo por ahí? Ya llevo un tiempecito jugando pero solo se me hace muy grande, a parte de que el desarrollo de mi pj ya va necesitando de parties para complementar. El PJ se llama Naitmer.
Syrith 15 apr 2014 om 2:27 
Hey all, I'm newish to the game, if you feel like having someone else to play with add me on steam or as Zyrith in game, I play on Grim mostly but I'm thinking of getting into Arcadia too (Fynrik on there). Looking forward to meeting some new people :)
Zoultx 11 apr 2014 om 8:16 
Greetings everyone !

Our gaming community "Fightline" Is working on establishing a guild in TSW.
Welcome to contact me or any officers of mine if you want to join us to build a nice community in that game. We overall have a great gaming community so we are expanding to other games aswell in order to get most fun out of playing and meeting new people - awsome online experience !

J-P aka Zoultx
dodgeviperstorm 25 feb 2014 om 2:09 
Hi just started Looking for ppl to play with add me on steam (im from UK can play most days and some nights)
Strangedoll 9 jan 2014 om 23:13 
Hello, if anyone is interested in making new friends feel free to add me in-game; DeadBlackRose, you're also welcome to add me on here as well C:
Er Kilmister 8 jan 2014 om 9:46 
Hey guys im spanish and idk how to play well this game, if someone wants to help plz add me :). Y para los españoles, digo lo mismo, agregadme si soléis jugar y me unoa vuestro clan/hermandad, que no tengo mucha idea de jugar y tal y necesitaré un guía.
Loch Ness 1 jan 2014 om 11:54 
heey add me im new to the game add steam or ingame name locness
og.loki 16 nov 2013 om 1:34 
im looking for tradable tsw '' massive rdition '' hmu lets trade
ZaurZ 4 nov 2013 om 23:26 
666 members :D
Ersin 29 sep 2013 om 12:06 
I'm looking for people to play with, feel free to add me my in-game name is Ersinilius.
Handymax 14 sep 2013 om 14:37 
anyone have a free key to try the game before i buy it
LazyMacro 4 sep 2013 om 5:23 
#hey im playing on kobold and keep searching for poeple to play tsw with.
Im from duisburg germany greetz from this place to yours

i can do nms and stuff. tried to do ny raid once but not suceed
im in transelvania right now and doing some quests

hope to cya ingame:thedragon::illuminati::templars:
LazyMacro 4 sep 2013 om 5:18 
are there still active players of the secret world??
wiredwolf1972 3 sep 2013 om 12:44 
Just joined, on Cerebus Server as a Templar. Looking for friends and info.
Holar 25 jul 2013 om 13:53 
:plane:Are there any german speaking players in this group? :beatmeat::D:
ValkyrLee 🧜☕⚔🐉 24 jul 2013 om 10:29 
Hi ^^
We are trying to get a DRAGON Cabal Going ' 13 CodeMonkeys ' - South African mainly but all are welcome.
Casual, social and friendly.
You can Contact 'ValkyrLee' or 'BunnyMilk' in game to join - we are on Grim but I don't think that matters too much.
Hope to see some of you soon.
Dertz 30 jun 2013 om 17:56 
Hey all, looking for a Cabal(guild) and a group of people to play with.. I found this game to be very refreshing to the boring "standard" a lot of other mmos' are doing.. In game name is "Kypte".. look foward to hearing from ya!
Miss Cookie 29 jun 2013 om 6:59 
So... if anyone is on Arcadia that has free time, I'd love to run around healing you while we do missions together. :p "LeCrumbs"
Oneshot DM 27 jun 2013 om 17:16 
Just joined in game character name is Trosim "Truny" Lei
Ada Wong 23 jun 2013 om 7:11 
Iam in Arcadia world as Templar, if anyone want to group up, add me please
Star 15 jun 2013 om 23:13 
Hi, y'all i'm new to the game and i'm very shy so sorry if i'm quiet. My secret world character name is Lisa Hanahi Reagan, hopefully I can make some new friends on this game cause boyy it's lonely playing solo.. Also, if I do group runs please give me a few seconds to keep up i'm still learning the controls and feel free to add me on steam :) later ~
txknight28 28 apr 2013 om 11:01 
I have been playing for a little while, really enjoying the game, would liek to get into nightmare mode/raids etc... I have defeated the gatekeeper, just need need to find a good group to get involved with
Valour 19 jan 2013 om 10:29 
I'm new to the game and it gets kinda of lonely play by myself lol. Sooooo if anyone would like to add me on Steam or In-game as Baingwen please do. I would really enjoy getting into this game with a group :)
hi 5 jan 2013 om 0:08 
hey I'm just looking for somone to show the ropes about this game. Im really confused by crafting and glyphs and how the mission system adn such works so add me in game: xXCharizardXx or on steam(which I would prefer)
TurbojetChicken 3 jan 2013 om 17:17 
hello, if someone has spare guestpass, id be more than happy if you could send it to me, my email is or if that doesnt work then, OR thanks in advance!
LucIFEr™ 21 dec 2012 om 0:20 
Hi, please help me to buy TSW
Simply I am from Russia and we have it is not available.
kefflyn 20 dec 2012 om 21:18 
[H] Alan Wake Franchise

Sid Meier's Civilization® V: Game of the Year

Sid Meier's Civilization V - Gods and Kings

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition

Napoleon: Total War

Sid Meier's Civilization® III Complete.

[W] The Secret World (Steam gift).

Nith 13 okt 2012 om 8:27 
I have been quite bizzy lately and have not been updating the page with the latest updates from funcom as much as it should of been. I Will try to be more active in the future.

Gopnik Prime 5 okt 2012 om 15:15 
If anyone is playing on grim and would like to add me my name is "Lime" also if i'm not on and you would like me to join up with you or what not just steam message me and i'll get on =P
Lunace 3 okt 2012 om 13:37 
TSW 50% off on Steam.
🙄 13 sep 2012 om 4:17 
Hi all, I want The Secret World (gift tradeable only), the game not available in my region
LeadEx 27 aug 2012 om 17:12 
I sell my account on Funcom With The Secret World
if someone want to buy or trade add me to friend
LeadEx 25 aug 2012 om 10:12 
Who need account with The Secret World
add me to friends
trueQuintessence 19 aug 2012 om 0:19 
I have the chat bug and cant use use chat or see chat. So if anyone wants to group for elites and use skype or something. I'm game.
dHeX ⛤ 17 aug 2012 om 13:21 
i play nonsteam version but feel free to add me on steam and ingame "AJae"
would love to meet some new people to play and chat with
Dragepust 17 aug 2012 om 5:58 
Doom-Raven - Arcadia (RP) ;D
dHeX ⛤ 16 aug 2012 om 11:02 
sup all, whats everyones chars?
DeDo* 14 aug 2012 om 2:14 
just purchssed. now downloading, but where do you make the account, do i just go to there site and punch in the cdkey and register like that?
Proximus Maximus 13 aug 2012 om 17:16 
Playing on Arcadia/Dragon Faction