STEAM グループ
The Gamer Den The Game Den
STEAM グループ
The Gamer Den The Game Den
The Gamer Den について

Gamer Gotta Game.

The Gamers Den

=> No trolling
=> No disrespecting, insulting or swearing at others
=> No putting people down or belittling them if someone likes a game that you don't like. It's all good
=> No buying or selling, this is not a sales group
=> No advertising or sharing other pages or groups without the admins approval.
=> Twitch and youtube channels are to be placed in the pinned thread allocated failure to do so will result in ban
=> THIS IS NOT A DATING GROUP! This is a group for both males and females so please refrain from hitting on other members in here calling them cuties/hottie/sexy or anything similar or attempting to flirt with them. THESE BEHAVIOURS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND YOU WILL BE BANNED AND BOOTED. Above all else, be respectful.
===> If you want to do that, do it in other groups or actual dating groups. We are gamers here and we are to discuss gaming, not hook up THAT IS FINAL.
=> We encourage healthy topics and debates as long as they stay friendly, nice and polite
=> NO FANBOY WARS OVER PC MASTER RACE OR XBOX OR WHAT NOT, we're here to talk about games.

=> We welcome topics surrounding newly released games but please be mindful that others may not get games day one. Please post "SPOILER POST" and move the bulk of the text further down in your post to help others avoid disappointment at learning something they may not be ready to.

=> No posts in regards to Loot crate, Arcade Block, etc... with photos or details of included items in main body of the post. All details/photos in comments <=

-=> If you have any problems, tag or message an admin<=-

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