Team Demon Hamster TDHEMW
Team Demon Hamster TDHEMW
2016. július 28.
A(Z) Team Demon Hamster CSOPORTRÓL

Welcome to the group of Demon Hamster. We do crazy stuff and have fun.

As of January 2, 2022, the server has since shut down.
Oh, well, actually, it came back!

The server is known for it's crazy joke content, as well as being considered the origins of Slender Fortress Modified, a revival of the Slender Fortress gamemode, first started by The Gaben in late 2018, with Mentrillum taking lead of the project since then. Demon Hamster is also the backbone behind Slender Fortress Modified; if it weren't for him, his server, and, of course, his silly antics, it's said that the project may have never happened in the first place.

Discord Server[]
SF2 - Midnight Egyptian Curses!
Brand spankin' new map port, slender_egypt by Alox!

You and your team must salvage 8 cursed skulls and return to the escape van at spawn! Beware, these skulls have been placed in unusual spots, so keep an eye out especially! Not to mention that whatever is lurking here isn't exactly keen on intruders... There also exists a few other new maps like slender_junction, another TF2 map port by FrostyJuicyHoney, so be sure to check that out too!

Introducing Boss Pack 11!

Woah, Pack 11?! Back in my day, I remember when it was just 8 "Small" Boss Packs with only 5 bosses per pack! Well those days are (hopefully) over. Pack 11 includes the following bosses: Booty Burglar + Booty Shooter, Craig, DOOM Eternal Tyrant, DOOM Eternal Hellknight, Ignited Foxy + Ignited Chica, Hans Volter, Monokuma, PHD Kyoko Kirigiri, Sephiroth, and finally The Trollge! Only the chosen may survive these bosses, eh?

An unexpected trio?!

With permission by none other than the pumpkin known as Chillax! Our special guests tonight are Bobby from We Happy Few (boss by ThatAverageJoe/YoloJoe from Glub's Servers), Purpleguy (boss by Chillax from Glub's Servers), and finally Yume Neko (boss by Chillax from Glub's Servers). Pretty bizarre seeing these fellows here, but they're here anyways! (Again, with permission!)

New SF2 Modified Version - 1.6.2 Beta 2!

1.6.2 Beta 2 sports all sorts of exciting new features! These features include a buffed flashlight for Engineer, conveniently dealing bonus damage to flashlight stunnable bosses too, more optimization, new boss abilities such as alert copies/companions, shockwave attacks, rainbow outlines, boss outro musics for certain bosses like Sephiroth and PHD Kyoko, fixed boss walk speeds, and so much more! Although there are currently a few bugs such as crit grenades being a little wonky and ACT animation sequences not functioning properly, these are expected to be fixed in the next Beta versions or final release of 1.6.2.

Other stuff!

Yep, other stuff! They include... The Birthday/April Fools-themed Pack known formerly as the "April Pack" has since been renamed to the "WTF Timelines Pack"! Not really the best name I could've came up with, but it sort of fits since it contains old bosses from years ago, such as Anthony Ciarrocchi and EDM Death Machine, just to see how far I've come with my boss-making prowess. Of course, besides those ancient bosses, there are other bosses (some of which are by other authors) just waiting to cause some trouble! I still have very much to learn, but it seems that the quality of my bosses has improved if I do say so myself. Speaking of which, bosses like Ghostface also come with a new Advanced Deathcam by yours truly! It's my first time adding a deathcam animation, so there may be a few errors, but you be the judge! And of course, other stuff that I may have forgotten to mention... but I can say that since the last announcement on this Steam group, so much has been added overtime. I highly recommend checking it all out!

I know it's been awhile since the last announcement, but it's just that things about the server have been "inactive" recently. Though, I recommend joining the Team Demon Hamster and Slender Fortress Modified Discord servers for the (occasional) changelogs and such. Can't say that I'll continue to consistently post announcements to the Steam group either, I really only wanted to post this announcement to basically say "The server ain't dead... yet, at least." and spice things up a bit, maybe.

Nevertheless, hope you enjoy what's there in the server! Here's the IP if you feel like joining:

A comeback.
112 megjegyzés
HeavyIsHungryForPie 2020. okt. 5., 20:27 
eupba 2020. okt. 5., 18:56 
v funny comment below v
HeavyIsHungryForPie 2020. okt. 5., 18:35 
"funny comment"
HeavyIsHungryForPie 2020. júl. 5., 7:00 
Demon Hamster Eating My Wafflez 2020. júl. 4., 23:35 
expect something huge to transpire
HeavyIsHungryForPie 2020. máj. 7., 22:44 
Server is back, though compressed.
A csoport „Hét játékosa”:
2016. július 28.