TF2 Vegas Vegas, Baby
TF2 Vegas Vegas, Baby
게임 중
2012년 12월 6일
TF2 Vegas 정보

TF2 Gambling and Raffling

A group for those who just want to have fun, and make some profit while doing so ;) Gambles and Raffles will occur every now and then, hopefully more now than then. Join to have fun in the hopes of getting some items, or gamble your items away for some metal!

This group is dedicated towards TF2 Raffles. Raffles will include both "Free" raffles where no payment is necessary to enter. However, the majority of raffles will be "Gambles", or Raffles with a small entry fee. This fee will be determined to the item being raffled. For example, an item worth 1-2 keys, will have an entry fee of a scrap. However, a large item like a Bills might have a slightly higher entry fee. Joining this group does not entail you to any raffles, and you may join for fun if you'd like. The purpose of this group is to have fun, not to gain profit. Enjoy!

NOTE: Raffles are located in the ANNOUNCEMENTS section of the site. If you'd like to raffle some items, chat with me and I'll raffle them for you. Item payment to me is not necessary in any form. I'll just raffle it off and act as the middleman.

Founded by smallpeoples343.
Donations are very much appreciated! Due to the limited value that my backpack has, I can only do so many raffles. More donations will produce more raffles!

Unusual Orbiting Planets Tavish Degroot Experience:
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Raffling a ...
댓글 13
SKYick 2013년 2월 5일 오전 9시 12분 
Hey there. Are you still wants to raffle the unusual hat in TF2 T/R? You may need to cancel the raffle here first before doing it, because it was consider as donating to the group and only the group will be raffling it. Sorry for any inconvenince caused. Please reply ASAP. :)
sayo 2013년 2월 4일 오전 2시 31분 
sayo 2012년 12월 20일 오전 2시 11분 
Dirty FL and Key Raffles are up in Announcements.
sayo 2012년 12월 19일 오전 3시 38분 
sayo 2012년 12월 18일 오후 10시 38분 
Genuine Raffle needs to be completed:
8 slots left.
sayo 2012년 12월 18일 오후 10시 13분 
Key Raffle Winner is out: Congrats to -pg- Prospy!
게임 중
0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2012년 12월 6일
관계된 게임