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§crub Çity Ñightmares - Gaming Community §ÇÑ
10 November, 2009
United States 
Sexi 7 May, 2013 @ 9:34pm 
Игровые сервера Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Public 128 Tick -
Dot 10 Jul, 2010 @ 1:38pm 
soo when is something goign to happen
Banesy 12 May, 2010 @ 1:00pm 
It doesn't have to be at a "stand still" -_-
Banesy 7 May, 2010 @ 5:00pm 
I know. It sucks.
Banesy 3 May, 2010 @ 10:24am 
So whats up? Havent socialized much.
Homer 2 May, 2010 @ 7:08pm 
For Sure!
Zacharoo 4 Apr, 2010 @ 11:13am 
Thanks man, you too
Banesy 3 Apr, 2010 @ 7:53pm 
Happy Easter guys!! :D
Zacharoo 9 Mar, 2010 @ 1:14pm 
yeah...i dont know why either
ŋδβõđŷ 9 Mar, 2010 @ 12:58pm 
um, cool. ...but why?
ŋδβõđŷ 25 Feb, 2010 @ 5:42pm 
well that last error was fixed, now its this, and for some reason its only you and nate who always appear offline in my friends list. i'll probably just add you as friends again.
ŋδβõđŷ 24 Feb, 2010 @ 9:59pm 
well, for me some people appear online or in-game in steam but offline in my friends list.
ŋδβõđŷ 23 Feb, 2010 @ 5:12pm 
apparently we dont need to re-add everyone, they'll fix it soon.
ŋδβõđŷ 23 Feb, 2010 @ 5:11pm 
oh, ok, it isnt just me.
Zacharoo 23 Feb, 2010 @ 2:25pm 
Nate0917 23 Feb, 2010 @ 2:23pm 
Gotta love that Steam, resetting all the friends... NOT xP
Zacharoo 23 Feb, 2010 @ 2:06pm 
We got to add everyone again?
Zacharoo 21 Feb, 2010 @ 1:35pm 
Ok man, you only got your skills on dust 2
ŋδβõđŷ 20 Feb, 2010 @ 8:41pm 
i dont intend to. you'll eventually want to convert as i continuously uh, what's the word... PWN you.
ŋδβõđŷ 20 Feb, 2010 @ 8:39pm 
i dont intend to. you'll eventually want to convert as i continuously uh, what's the word... PWN you.
Zacharoo 20 Feb, 2010 @ 7:46pm 
Magical ingame pants that dont exist is what you call unorthodox? You aren't coverting me to your pantsy ways
ŋδβõđŷ 20 Feb, 2010 @ 4:24pm 
hey, just because i have unorthodox customs doesnt mean i am trying to convert others to my "heretic" practices. Besides, it is their choice if they decide to adopt less conventional ways to play.
Zacharoo 20 Feb, 2010 @ 12:26pm 
Nobody preaches heresy. Don't listen to him. Smooch has been tainted by his heretical teachings; she is no longer a credible source
Nate0917 19 Feb, 2010 @ 9:50pm 
are you *
Nate0917 19 Feb, 2010 @ 9:50pm 
So are suggesting that if I wear pants from now on when I play CSS, that i'll do better? I'll have to start throwing on a pair of jeans before I play now.
Zacharoo 19 Feb, 2010 @ 1:16pm 
I don't like pants. Ever since the Pantless Clan disaster a few years ago, i never looked at them the same
ŋδβõđŷ 18 Feb, 2010 @ 8:57pm 
I appreciate the thoughtfulness, but it's not really necessary... unless, of course, its about pants.
Zacharoo 18 Feb, 2010 @ 6:05pm 
Thanks man
ŋδβõđŷ 18 Feb, 2010 @ 5:19pm 
...but i like that.
ŋδβõđŷ 18 Feb, 2010 @ 5:18pm 
just saw all your comments on your pages and, well... you people are weird.
Zacharoo 5 Feb, 2010 @ 8:57pm 
hahaha, i got one of those recently
ŋδβõđŷ 5 Feb, 2010 @ 8:22pm 
Perhaps they have more important matters to attend to, or simply are blessed with a social life.
Zacharoo 5 Feb, 2010 @ 7:31pm 
Where is everyone
ŋδβõđŷ 26 Jan, 2010 @ 5:51pm 
how modest...
Nate0917 26 Jan, 2010 @ 5:46pm 
Smooch don't be jealous, I'll let you be the next one if you want. Dan I know man, you dig me it's all good. Phillips, at least my water guns are M14's. xP
Zacharoo 26 Jan, 2010 @ 3:47pm 
Nate, your water pistols are impressive.....not
GangstaMuffin24 26 Jan, 2010 @ 1:47pm 
Mmm, Nate. Your muscles are soooo big and manly.
Nate0917 25 Jan, 2010 @ 7:21pm 
Player of the week -flex-, oh yea! xP
♥.LadyYuri.♥ 19 Jan, 2010 @ 10:44am 
<3 riddler <3 amen to that
Banesy 15 Jan, 2010 @ 11:13pm 
Zacharoo 15 Jan, 2010 @ 7:47am 
Always got that negative attitude
Tickle_Kitty 14 Jan, 2010 @ 2:28pm 
Zacharoo 13 Jan, 2010 @ 7:38pm 
KBar III 11 Jan, 2010 @ 7:30pm 
wuzzup dawgs
Nate0917 1 Jan, 2010 @ 1:59pm 
Happy new years
Zacharoo 31 Dec, 2009 @ 9:25pm 
2010, for any high school seniors, its the last stretch of the race.
Dot 31 Dec, 2009 @ 6:03pm 
3.1 hours till new yeaars :D
Dot 31 Dec, 2009 @ 9:27am 
happy new year guys and smooch
Zacharoo 26 Dec, 2009 @ 8:30am 
Thanks Haley, you are to kind...
Zacharoo 25 Dec, 2009 @ 4:11pm 
What a lame comment. Happy Christmas wtf