Source. Gold source. Source 2 Engine groups S.SG.S2 club
Source. Gold source. Source 2 Engine groups S.SG.S2 club
2022 年 10 月 13 日
關於 Source. Gold source. Source 2 Engine groups

We are people who like Source, Gold source, and Source 2 games.

I created this group because a curator who catalogs source, gldsrc, and source 2 engine games became inactive. I am just filling the void until they return.

update: The other curator returned. So this curator is technically irrelevant. I wll keep it up but as of now is not necessary.

Here is a link too the curator I was mentioning:

This is the cool valve kids club.

Half-Life: Reamped and Half-Life: Overcharged are both coming too steam. However neither have a store page nor a steamdb code. So we must wait.

Lambda locator: If you know of any Gold Source, Source, or Source 2 games I am unaware of please comment it.

A few games are on steam but are private (but steam db lets me see them)
Bear party adventure: Source
Tactical intervention: Source
Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag: Source
Floatybobbers: Source
Classic Offensive: Source
MacOS X Domestic Cat 🎷🐈:Source (Yes that is real)
Half-Life 2: Enhancement Mod: Source
Firearms: Source (You guessed it)
Things Between: Source
Deathmatch Classic: Refragged: Source
Trikz: Source
Team Fortress Classic: Source (Source edition)
Military Conflict: Vietnam: Source
The Burton Equation: Source
Zombie Master: Reborn: Source
Boreal Alyph: Source (Sad mod got cancelled)
Vice and Virtue: Source
Team fortress 2008: Source
Half-Life: Absolute Zero: Gold Source
Destinations: Source 2
Aperture Robot Repair: Source 2
S&box: Source 2
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Source. Gold source. Source 2 Engine groups 的評論
"I catalog Source engine, Gold Source engine, and Source 2 engine games. Previous curators have gone idle so I will catalog them. We are the Source, Gold source, Source 2 club"
以下為 Source. Gold source. Source 2 Engine groups 近期撰寫的評論