[ReAp] Clan Team [ReAp]
[ReAp] Clan Team [ReAp]
2014 年 11 月 22 日
关于 [ReAp] Clan

Team ReAp Official Group

This is the official steam group of Team ReAp.
We are a laid back Semi-Competitive community that seeks to have a calm and friendly atmosphere. Playing competitive games is not a requirement of joining Team ReAp and members are never pressured into competing in events.

We have an official forum for member use as well as our own Team Discord server. The Discord server is used actively, And you will find most of our members socializing in the general chat.

Our members play an assortment of games ranging from Overwatch at a competitive level, All the way down to chilling out with friends on Minecraft.
What ever your gaming style, You're sure to fit in with us.

If you're interested in joining Team ReAp. Please head on over to our official forums and register an account, You may then submit an application by using the RED link on the homepage.

Please Note: New members are subject to a one week trial period, And acceptance is not guaranteed. If you're application is unsuccessful, You may reapply after 24 hours and try again.

Team ReAp Official Forum[]
Official Twitter
🥂✨Happy New Year✨🥂
❄️🎄~ Merry Christmas ~🎄❄️
29 条留言
SacdeBallons 2016 年 9 月 24 日 上午 3:15 
Doing pretty good, how about you? down in australia? :P
Noid 2016 年 9 月 24 日 上午 1:20 
how's everyone doin? :)
Noid 2016 年 8 月 29 日 下午 12:42 
Chibiscus 2016 年 6 月 29 日 上午 6:10 
I play Overwatch (: I send you my battletag in a PM!
Obito 2016 年 6 月 29 日 上午 2:55 
Anyone up to play BF4 or OWatch?
Chibiscus 2016 年 5 月 12 日 下午 3:26 
Alright Mr.Tech take your time and good luck with your studies! Tell us when you want to join again you are always welcome :8bitheart: