Penguin Domination 🐧 Anti-Spyware
Penguin Domination 🐧 Anti-Spyware
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8 Tháng 06, 2017
Ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
GIỚI THIỆU Penguin Domination 🐧

Spyware in games? No thanks!

The group focuses on raising awareness and protecting against the collection and tracking of user data through analytics, spyware, crashlytics, advertising, and tracking cookies in games and game clients. A practice that often occurs in the digital world without proper consent. The aim is to support individuals by providing resources and tools to protect their privacy in the rapidly evolving digital technology landscape.

  1. Responsible Data Analysis by Developers:
    It's demanded that developers deactivate analytical services in games by default. The activation of the services should only take place after the consent of the user (opt-in) in order to provide information.

  2. Functional Opt-Out Options:
    Opt-outs must be effectively implemented. In too many cases, these options either do not work at all or only partially. It's demanded that users have full control over their data from the beginning, including a transparent and functional opt-out option.

  3. Transparency Obligation on Product Pages:
    Before purchase or download, it must be clearly and understandably communicated whether and what analytics services, trackers, or other mechanisms are active in a game or software – this in the respective national language, to avoid misunderstandings and information barriers.

  4. Commitment to Data Minimization and Transparency:
    Customers have the right to know what data is truly needed and which services are involved. Clear and honest communication from developers is essential to build trust and protect the privacy of users.

  5. Honesty from Developers and Publishers:
    It's demanded that developers and publishers must always be truthful about the actual behavior and data practices of their software. Misleading customers about how their software operates, especially in terms of data collection and usage, undermines trust and violates principles of transparency and respect for user privacy.

What does the group offer?
  1. Reviews and analyses of spyware and background connections in games and game clients.
  2. Information about companies that collect and use data.
  3. Ad blockers with guides for about 1800 games and programs, including links to these tools.
  4. Discussions on privacy and current events.
  5. Resources for enhancing personal privacy and protection online.

Content Censorship on Steam and External Linking
Content on Steam may be censored. In such instances, reviews are available externally. Please visit Review Overview[www.gameindustry.eu].

False Positives?
For FAQs regarding false positive please visit the help section:

Key Resources / Repository
Project Website[www.gameindustry.eu]
GitHub Repository[github.com]
[EN|DE] Survey Results | Umfrage Resultate
  • The product search now highlights connections to voice chat services (and other services) for relevant products and refers to the FAQ.

  • The corresponding FAQ now describes the blocked services, providing examples of why, how, and which domains are affected.
Since I am frequently asked (with considerable consternation) why services like Facebook or service XY are blocked, the additional link in the product search to the help page should assist you in pointing out these services while also providing further support.

Currently, only voice chat services and Capcom Consent services are marked in the search, but can be extended as required.

If important points are missing from the F.A.Q. (or if something is unclear), please let me know so that entries can be added/revised.

Danke an alle, die an der Voicechat-Umfrage teilgenommen haben.

Basierend auf den Antworten bleiben bereits blockierte Voicechat-Dienste in den Filterlisten blockiert. Zusätzlich wurden die folgenden Änderungen auf der Projektseite umgesetzt:
  • Die Produktsuche hebt nun Verbindungen zu Voicechat-Diensten (und anderen Diensten) bei relevanten Produkten hervor und verweist auf die F.A.Q.

  • Die entsprechende F.A.Q. beschreibt nun die blockierten Dienste und liefert Beispiele, warum, wie und welche Domänen betroffen sind.
Da ich häufig (teilweise mit erheblichem Unverständnis) gefragt werde, warum Dienste wie Facebook oder Dienst XY gesperrt sind, soll euch die zusätzliche Verlinkung in der Produktsuche zur Hilfeseite dabei unterstützen, auf solche Dienste hinzuweisen und gleichzeitig eine weitere Hilfestellung zu bieten.

Aktuell sind in der Suche nur Voicechat-Dienste und Capcom Consent-Dienste gekennzeichnet, aber kann nach Bedarf erweitert werden.

Falls wichtige Punkte in der aktuellen F.A.Q. fehlen (oder unverständlich ist), meldet euch, damit Einträge ergänzt/überarbeitet werden können.

[EN|DE] Survey VOIP / Umfrage VOIP

Eine Umfrage für alle Gruppenmitglieder in Bezug auf VOIP/Sprachchat in Spielen

Der Hintergrund dieser Gruppenumfrage ist der, dass viele Spiele Funktionen zum Sprachchat oftmals voreingestellt aktiviert haben und sich auch über das Betriebssystem Rechte zur Nutzung des Mikrofons anfordern. Das Anwender über dieses Verhalten ausreichend informiert werden ist nicht immer unbedingt selbstverständlich.

Dienste wie Unity Vivox analysieren, überwachen und nehmen Spracheingaben der Anwender auf. Auch Microsoft Speech (TTS) ist in Spielen vertreten, wobei diese Verantwortung an die Entwickler und Anwender abwälzen. Das Missbrauchspotenzial ist ähnlich wie bei Amazon Alexa/Ring sehr hoch und einige Spiele-Entwickler sind nicht unbedingt für die höchsten Sicherheitsstandards oder gutem Umgang mit Kunden bekannt.

Seit einiger Zeit werden auf der Projektseite Spiele und Programme mit Mikrofonzugriff explizit gekennzeichnet und die Frage an alle ist nun, wie ihr zu diesen (optionalen) Ingame-Diensten steht.

Werden diese von euch aktiv verwendet oder nutzt ihr Drittanbieterlösungen wie Teamspeak, Discord oder gänzlich andere? Und wie nutzt ihr Spiele die Mikrofonzugriff beinhalten, schaltet ihr die Optionen (sofern existent) ab oder ist es euch egal?

Was ist eure Meinung zu dem Thema?

Eure Antworten können mir bei der Gestaltung der Filterlisten weiterhelfen

Đánh giá của Penguin Domination 🐧
"Everything about spyware, analytics, telemetry & tracking in games and gaming platforms. Cross-system with further information and filter lists to protect your privacy. Multilanguage."
Đây là một số đánh giá gần đây bởi Penguin Domination 🐧
327 bình luận
ペンギン 20 Thg02 @ 8:11am 
Since users are also restricted by geo-blocking within group curation, here is the current review of Horny Villa. Alternatively, on the project page with additional information.

Da Anwender selbst innerhalb der Gruppenkuration mit Geoblockaden gegängelt werden, hier das aktuelle Review zu Horny Villa. Wahlweise auf der Projektseite mit weiteren Informationen.

ペンギン 17 Thg12, 2024 @ 9:50pm 
A new group announcement has been written, but it seems to be blocked by the system *sigh*

Well, a new update for the filter lists has been released on GitHub and the project page. The reason for this was a hotfix for a Google address that was causing videos on YoutTube to play for only one minute.
ペンギン 17 Thg12, 2024 @ 1:03am 
Regarding Ace. The plan is to test more games with this service (there aren't many anyway, apart from that), as well as to collect and publish the addresses involved. But I won't be able to say much or anything about the raw-data it contains. Not obvious to me. Well, it won't happen until next year anyway.
ペンギン 6 Thg12, 2024 @ 7:19am 
The issue in this topic by many users has always been (as I mentioned in the linked article) the connection to the CCP. Those who fear them must also be wary of American products that employ similar control mechanisms for surveillance, political control, factory compromised hardware as well as unsolicited data collection.

Feel free to discuss the Anti-Cheat topic in this group, contribute any information and continue asking questions. However, I kindly ask that the discussions remains factual, as there is often a lack of reliable sources and especially, evidence in the public consensus. Much of it could only be proven by insiders.
ペンギン 5 Thg12, 2024 @ 9:18pm 
Hey BeEer,

I’ve already published a blog entry about Ace:

For more details you’ll need to reach out to someone with expertise in reverse engineering. If you’re uncomfortable with the service, the simplest solution is to avoid using the product.
BeEer* 5 Thg12, 2024 @ 12:20pm 
Hey can you guys have a look at Delta Force and their ACE kernel anti-cheat? I was really hoping to play but I don't feel comfortable and would like to know more.
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Thành lập
8 Tháng 06, 2017
Ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh