PartyCarnos PartyCarnos
PartyCarnos PartyCarnos
19 maj 2013
OM PartyCarnos

Party hard, slaughter harder!

Welcome to Party Carnos, a gaming club that puts it's focus on playing dinosaur, asymmetric shooter, & other popular games.

This group is mainly for the regular comers of the mumble channel, if you're NEW and don't join mumble often or talk to everyone on a regular basis then you will not be invited to the group.

Veterans of the clan/club can stay in the group at their own will and are always welcome to comeback, play games & talk to us!

If you wish to join, get to know someone that's part of the group and have them send you the mumble info. If you join more often and get along with everyone, you'll be sent a group invite and be made a Party Carno!!!! Also, besure to have our voice chat program "Mumble" first. We have it linked right of the summary and below it.


This group started out as a competitive team for the game: Primal Carnage, a asymmetricial shooter featuring human versus dinosaur combat. We've competed in 6 out of 10 tournaments the devs for the game held, till version 1.3 of the game came out and the devs put a hold on the tournaments till game breaking bugs and balance were fixed. We've scrimmed against other fellow clans such as ZoMbieHunters, Kick Jurassic, and Household Raptors (a.k.a IncineRaptors, a.k.a RefridgeRaptors) to wait for the big "2.0" update that would fix the games problems and get the competitive scene up and running again. But the dev team split apart and sold the IP to a new dev team that not only made a whole new seperate game using the same assets, but a far worse one at that (just ask anyone here, they'll tell you how bad it is.) Our stance as a Competitive team died. But that didn't stop us from talking to one another and enjoying other great games together. But maybe someday our competitive light will shine again in another game.

SE ALLA (47)
Great Scott!
Rare Footage of PC:E
185 kommentarer
JustConnor 10 dec, 2018 @ 22:44 
Hey im no yuppie you dingbat ♥♥♥♥
SwoleChief 21 okt, 2015 @ 23:11 
Dracarys 9 nov, 2014 @ 23:50 
Deadman 14 jun, 2014 @ 20:50 
Recording of our skrim vs. ZmH!
WhopBopBadopBingBang 6 jun, 2014 @ 19:07 
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! This game isn't dead!

We've got a scrimmage set up for next Saturday against ZmH, and 3 practices before then. We're going to be rusty, so try and come to at least 2 of the 3 practices if you want to be in the scrim.
SE ALLA (35)
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