P.R.E.D Admins [*PRED*]
P.R.E.D Admins [*PRED*]
12 februari 2012
OM P.R.E.D Admins

Predator Weapons

Wrist Blades

Every Predator starts out with his Wrist Blades which are used for melee combat. There are two ways to use them, Light Attack and Heavy Attack. When using the Light Attack method, you can attack an enemy quite quickly whereas Heavy Attack is a much-slower charged attack which does more damage. Light Attack can also be used to interrupt another player’s Heavy Attack and a Heavy Attack can break through a player’s block. Blocking can also be used to block another player’s Light Attack from hurting you.

Throwing Spear

The Throwing Spear is very powerful and if it hits the target, it’s a one shot kill. When using the spear at long range, it arcs slightly so you’ll need work out where to aim it. Zoom in where appropriate to accurately throw it. Unfortunately, the Spear is not a very useful weapon when compared to the Smart Disc.

Smart Disc

The Smart Disc is a powerful weapon and functions in the same way as the Spear but it’s better in every way. The weapon can be used long-range or short-range and it’s a one shot kill if it hits something. There is no auto-targeting like in AvP2 but you can manually control the Disc once you fire it. You can also kill multiple targets because it ricochets off the walls and eventually returns to you.

Proximity Mines

Proximity Mines can be used to set traps. When an enemy goes near one, it explodes and usually kills them in the process. It’s best to plant them in areas where other players frequently walk over. So for Marines, put them around weapon pickups or for Aliens, place them on the walls or ceilings. Proximity Mines do require energy so you can only put so many around before having to recharge your energy supply again. Once you’ve placed the Mines, they are very hard to see if you’re an Alien or Marine, however you and other Predators can see them clearly in Focus Mode. You can’t accidentally trip your own Mines but if you’re caught in the blast, it will hurt you. They also disappear when you are killed.

Shoulder Cannon

The Shoulder Cannon, otherwise known as the Plasma Caster, can be fired in both short bursts and charged shots. In short range, the weapon isn’t that accurate so it’s better to use short bursts if you have to use it. In long range, holding down the fire button will charge the weapon up and will lock on to a target. Release it and if it hits the target, it’s usually a one shot kill. There’s also a little splash damage so nearby enemies may be temporarily stunned. The Shoulder Cannon does use a lot of energy so you’ll only be able to use it so many times before you need to recharge again. Like the Smart Disc, when trying to lock on to a target, the targeting laser on your mask will give your location away. You can lock onto a target in any vision mode.

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12 februari 2012