AddictedPro's Official Group StayAddicted
AddictedPro's Official Group StayAddicted
2012 年 10 月 7 日
United States 
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NEW POST: "Autumn Update: Things Will Change"
Got extra keys to the Quake Champions Closed BETA. Here ya guys go.
48 条留言
Angel 2017 年 6 月 2 日 下午 7:37 
xXAngelDinoXx stopping by to say hello and join your group :pandastunned:
Kyan 2016 年 10 月 17 日 下午 6:03 
Hey mate! Been playing CSGO for years on and off, and I was wondering about a couple things.

1. First off, I've been training my reflexes and standard muscle memory using the 'training_aim_csgo2' map, and despite acceptable results, I can't seem to beat anyone to the punch in casual or competitive, it seems like everything I've learnt and drilled dissipates.

2. Peeking is extremely difficult for me, especially against AWPers (despite popflashes), it seems like my cursor is a millimetre off-target and subsequent shots are ineffective despite my cursor being directly on-head.

3. Despite acceptable spray-control I tend to only register 1-2 hits on an enemy, and yet they spray me down with complete ease, I've heard this may be a server issue but am unsure.

Sorry if this is all covered in your excellent guides, unfortunately I'm the type who can't really read to practice, I work best with direct assistance, but I see that you've got a lot on your plate.

HavelTheWaylander 2016 年 5 月 1 日 上午 2:25 
thanks so much man cuase i used to be dmg before the derank and tbh i have no idea how i got so high up without knowing all these little tips and tricks,i will check out your second guide seeming that it speaks of spraying and bursting thank you once again.
AddictedPro 2016 年 4 月 23 日 上午 9:26 
@Haveltherock My deepest apologies for answering late, I have been really busy and excited about a couple of new projects that I am working on. :D Uhh when it comes to your armor/tec9 question, I think it all depends on your enemy. I always buy armor, since it at least keeps me 1 or 2 body shots from death. I can't use the tec9 at all, so I don't really use it as much. It all depends on what you can do though. If you can do damage with the TEC9, then go for it. :)

A good starting way to improve your bursting and spraying is to start doing the "Belly-button spray". It's a technique that takes advantage of the initial vertical recoil in most weapons. I talk about it more on the second guide. :D You can read about it there.
AddictedPro 2016 年 4 月 23 日 上午 9:25 
@Haveltherock After the belly-button spray, the way that I teach to improve sprays/bursts is to memorize the spray (the second guide has talks a lot about this) and to practice it on the training map (using burst training) and deathmatch. First you need to know the recoil, using sv_showimpacts it helps a lot. All you do is repeat it over and over. Then you transfer that into the burst training in deathmatch, and try to hit it as much as possible. Then you go into deathmatch and try bursting/spraying at human targets with real human movement (since they move differently than bots. :)

Hope all of this helps! :D Sorry once again for not responding earlier. I am working hard on a new project for you guys that will hopefully help you like always! :D <3 If you have more questions, you are free to ask them. :D I promise to answer faster this time. xD
HavelTheWaylander 2016 年 4 月 17 日 上午 8:45 
oh well thats fine i would like to ask u if buying armor or buying a tec nine wich is better round 1 and how to improve my sprays/busts
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2012 年 10 月 7 日
United States