NoSleepNeeded NOSIN
NoSleepNeeded NOSIN
게임 중
2016년 4월 24일
NoSleepNeeded 정보

NSN New servers.

NSN The New Start

1 Servers
2 Who are we?
3 Team NSN?

1 Servers
NSN Rust Main server 200 players (for now) weekly wipes
Over the next couple of months we will be looking at getting a team of admins for each server and building the community.

NSN Ark x2 vannilla server 70 players
Over the next couple of months we will be looking at getting a team of admins for each server and building the community.

NSN The Forest server
Due to the hackers and the need to password the server we are removing it till there are whitelists and better admin controls, or until we find a full time admin team for the forest server.

Other servers
Hopefully as the community grows we will add other servers

2 Who are we?

Well I am Kulan for now my roll is community leader and admin of the servers.
I do have a lot of experience runnning servers and admining mainly Rust servers, I've followed Rust since before it came to steam, A few years ago I started a server called Rustopia EU/UK and stuck with that until just about a year ago when family and life became more important, I gave the server to Rustopia US to run. Now me and Lolzol (I'll get to him in a min) are ready to embark on another wild idea. Please join us!

Lolzol is the brains guy he's the one that sorts out the dedi server and web/network stuff. He joined me on Rustopia about a year after I started it. He fixed a lot of stuff and had us running better than all the other servers. That and his dedication to the players helped us become the No1 server in the EU.

I am currently trying to talk kiwiklobber into joining us as he was a good admin and great chat mod. Fingers crossed (that he's onboard too). Kiwiklobber was main admin on rustopia EU/UK low pop and also helped admin the main server, His roll for now is admin/mod mainly for Rust. But he might be up for a game of Rocket League.

3 Team NSN

As seasoned admins we have kept contact with a lot of people and I for one still am active in the Rust admin group, Reddit, Ark forums and The Forest forums. We understand that your gaming time is important and that should be a fun and welcoming environment (apart from rust which lets be honest is toxic most of the time). We will have chat rules, we will keep you informed and with your help we can build a community that everyone can enjoy.

We are only just starting this but it could be big, YOU could be part of it. Are you a great Artist / Streamer / Youtuber / Journalist / Admin? We need your help with this community. Hit us up on Steam!

NSN Gaming[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
PAYDAY 2 Free on steam
NSN main server is up and wiped.
Steam 큐레이터
평가 NoSleepNeeded개
"management games"
다음은 NoSleepNeeded 님이 최근에 작성한 평가입니다.
댓글 20
MoonWolf 2017년 6월 3일 오전 2시 47분 
Areally friendley community! REP+
Alewa 2017년 5월 15일 오전 2시 47분 
Kulan talking finnish, how cute <3
kiwiklobber 2017년 5월 14일 오전 6시 31분 
thanks for that PP EI Diablo and hope to see you on one of the servers
El Diablo 2017년 5월 14일 오전 5시 56분 
Cool that you guys are taking up the reins again, some of us might come visit to say hi, didnt think you guys would be back, at all.
kiwiklobber 2017년 5월 14일 오전 3시 17분 
thanks for the support on starting the servers and the community:steamhappy:
Jessica 2017년 5월 11일 오후 3시 09분 
Its not gay if its a 3 way

게임 중
1 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 4월 24일