Mod Abuse Watchdogs AntiModAbuse
Mod Abuse Watchdogs AntiModAbuse
게임 중
2015년 11월 26일
Mod Abuse Watchdogs 정보

This is a Steam Community member advocate group.

It has a singular purpose: to ensure that Steam Community members are treated fairly by those in power. This applies both to the Steam Community moderatorship, as well as game makers, who have the ability to control discussions on their own boards.

Mod abuse exists, and is a problem for both the health of the community, and the overall state of our rights as gamers and human beings. It is an issue on which little light has been shed, because Steam is structured in a manner in which this sort of abuse is difficult to report, address, and counter.

To this end, the purpose of this group will not be to shame and insult, but to disclose and keep track of cases where abuse took place, and discuss their merits. The proper way of dealing with moderator abuse in the long run requires the gathering of well-documented evidence and public support, so that it will be possible to influence Valve's decision-making process with regard to the matter.

Please see the forums for further information and discussions.

Note: You may have been invited into this group by someone. You're not obligated to say anything or add your own report, unless you want to. Usually, the main reason for the invite is a ban that doesn't seem deserved, or a hostile exchange with a moderator of any type (game devs included).

Feel free to invite other people to this group if you think that they can take advantage of it. It's a nice, legitimate way to snowball the membership and gain exposure.
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Group Stance on Harassment
Why the hiatus?
댓글 40
RoyTheHeir 2024년 3월 4일 오후 3시 55분 
moderators for TemTem are actively banning and restricting people for an opinion. reflected in the recent negative reviews.
lx 2023년 7월 20일 오전 4시 10분 
im out of here guys, its been a lonely ride
Mr Noseybonk 2022년 7월 31일 오전 9시 57분 
Looks like a dead group, but I will declare "Mu77ley" a moderator on the "Elite Dangerous" boards to be an abusive moderator.
lx 2021년 11월 9일 오후 7시 22분 
hello there
Shotgun 2018년 9월 8일 오전 6시 53분 
Not dead, but it's too small to make a tangible difference, I think. People are still free to post here as they please.
Fumo Bnnuy n Frends 2018년 9월 7일 오후 8시 15분 
is this group ded?
because the min it died like 10 games started having mod (or rather devs) start treating their players unfairly
게임 중
3 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2015년 11월 26일