MineTurtleTeam -_-MTT-_-
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MineTurtleTeam -_-MTT-_-
게임 중
2014년 7월 24일
MineTurtleTeam 정보

Mine Turtle Team

It's a friends invite friends group!
So feel free to invite your friends!
Feel free to post your own events, start your own discussions and talk in group chat.
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Our group anthem
, it came to my mind we should have an anthem, some time after that a group member(can't recall who) sent me the perfect song so..... i have decided to announce our new group anthem




Mine turtle, mine turtle, the mine turtle (Hello!), mine turtle!

Mine turtle's on the prowl, llama whipping by
Mine turtle's got a smile sweet as pie, flaming pie
Skater kid tells a cop, "You can't tell me what to do!"
Watch out! When mine turtle says hello to you! (Hello!)

Mine turtle, mine turtle, the mine turtle (Hello!), mine turtle!

Mine turtle's traveled round the world,
from Cairo to Madrid,
Saw gun-to-lease potato
And the "I Like Trains" kid,

Visited Desmond on the moon
In his flying machine,
Fight the aliens
(Throw the cheese!)

Stole an alien technology,
And built a time machine,
Went back in time to
One hundred million B.C.

The caveman asked
"What kind of animal are you?"
"Technically I'm a tortoise!"
(I am a stegosaurus!)

Mine turtle, mine turtle, he is the, he is the
Mine turtle (Hello!), mine turtle!

Listen up, we'll tell you where mine turtle came from,
In a petting zoo one day there was a man named Tom.
He started Drunk Science and he drank a cold one,
And soon he had made the world's first turtle bomb.

The cops tried to stop him,
Before he could explode.
(Look out he's got a nose!)
(Wait, no he doesn't.)

Mine turtle! Mine turtle! The mine turtle (Hello!) Mine turtle!
Mine turtle (Mine turtle,) Mine turtle! Mine turtle (Mine turtle!) Mine turtle

Thank ya'llzers for your time.

MineTurtle:"Hello!", BOOM!!!!!!

The group is open, new member privilege
  • Creating and editing events (Please don't spam events or delete another member's event)
  • Inviting new members to the group.
  • Inviting guest to the group chatroom when it's private.
  • Adding comments.
The moderator privileges currently are:
  • All member privileges.
  • Kicking users from the group chatroom.
  • Deleting comments.
    (If you are a moderator it means you are to be trusted so please don't use privileges if not needed)
The officer privileges currently are:
  • All member and moderator privileges.
  • Creating and editing group announcements.
  • Choosing the player of the week.
  • Making the chatroom either public or private.
    (If you are an officer you are event more trusted that a moderator please don't let that trust be in vain)
The owner privileges currently are:
  • All member,moderator and officer privileges.
  • Editing group description and avatar.
  • Promoting members to officers.
  • Kicking members from the group.
  • Banning users from group chatroom.

    If you have any questions or want a change in privileges please feel free to pm me or comment

    DeadOrAsleep, out.
    Mine Turtle, KABOOM!!

댓글 3
Aieden 2015년 4월 4일 오후 11시 41분 
Not Llable
person 2014년 11월 27일 오전 10시 04분 
Glass 2014년 9월 14일 오후 12시 20분 
그룹 멤버
게임 중
0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2014년 7월 24일