Mature team players group MTPG
Mature team players group MTPG
12 February, 2010
United States 
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 5 Mar, 2014 @ 9:58am 
So you couldn't recommend warframe or the dead island series?
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 5 Mar, 2014 @ 9:33am 
Um, none? Especially with all the ♥♥♥♥ they keep turning out nowadays.
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 5 Mar, 2014 @ 7:19am 
The problem is, what game has enough playability for coop and one that is well liked and played enough to be worthwhile?
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 4 Mar, 2014 @ 7:48pm 
That's pretty sad... lol
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 4 Mar, 2014 @ 12:56pm 
Only 2012 for last post in here, pretty good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaah
BobMo®ane 1 Apr, 2013 @ 9:03am 
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 25 Nov, 2012 @ 7:12am 
lol She was a friend that had to leave Steam for various reasons. This group has been quiet again since she left. :(
That_Darn_Bear 24 Nov, 2012 @ 10:19pm 
I miss Mary, too.
Who's Mary?
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 17 May, 2012 @ 6:52pm 
Does anyone that owns Sid Meier's Civilization V been or ever have crash issues? I have tried several different things to sort it out and nothing works! HELP PLEASE! :(
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 31 Aug, 2011 @ 7:56am 
sad but true!! the internet curse
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 29 Aug, 2011 @ 6:53am 
I miss Mary being here :(
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 18 Aug, 2011 @ 7:08am 
fear co-op is really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 16 Aug, 2011 @ 6:38am 
he he he :P
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 16 Aug, 2011 @ 5:28am 
Like the other day in fear co-op.!!!!!
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 15 Aug, 2011 @ 9:13am 
Hey now, we don't want to remember how old we are, just that we can still kick ass in gaming! :D
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 15 Aug, 2011 @ 7:23am 
Yeah, i could use a refit myself.
War Radish 15 Aug, 2011 @ 2:51am 
Feeling so very old and in need of ironing
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 31 Jul, 2011 @ 8:54am 
I plead no contest then since the court is so set. My only defense is i've been messing with fear ad fear co-op lately
Borderlands Badass {D€D} 29 Jul, 2011 @ 9:21am 
either way he has no excuse for this poor showing!, stay ♥♥♥♥♥♥ locked and ready to rock at all times!, he knows better than that.
Borderlands Badass {D€D} 29 Jul, 2011 @ 8:49am 
there is no mercy! only no L4D!
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 29 Jul, 2011 @ 8:07am 
Borderlands Badass {D€D} 29 Jul, 2011 @ 7:35am 
really with 2 PC's there is no excuse for it , could have used the old or just transfered to the new, Gamer?.............. sheesh!
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 29 Jul, 2011 @ 6:51am 
This obviously is a rigged jury against me and i demand a mistrial be declared
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 28 Jul, 2011 @ 9:38am 
The biggest crime is that he has waited so long to reinstall it in the first place!!
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 27 Jul, 2011 @ 10:43am 
I plead not guilty!!! my defense is that i got a new computer and it hasn't been put on it yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 26 Jul, 2011 @ 10:50am 
course, i have to install it again first :)
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 25 Jul, 2011 @ 10:37am 
I was telling mental i still like the original l4d the best but yeah, it was fun and we will all try again soon.
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 25 Jul, 2011 @ 7:11am 
Yes, too bad we couldn't get farther on it and ran out of time to do so :)
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 20 Jul, 2011 @ 11:06am 
Yeah, it was a "bother" just to play it!!!!!!!!!! now they better give us what we really want and need!!!
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 13 Jul, 2011 @ 8:26am 
Yeah, i hate the outdoor maps. Much prefer the town city maps which connects me more to the game . I like metro for that reason too.
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 11 Jul, 2011 @ 6:24am 
well, you guys and i did our part the other day and made it through that campain which we both hate to try to get the early release.
Borderlands Badass {D€D} 7 Jul, 2011 @ 1:07pm 
You like killing zombies, right? Dumb question. Of course you do! This is a no-brainer then. Valve has offered to unlock Left 4 Dead campaign "Dead Air" early, on July 22, before the rest of the original game's campaigns are released as part of the Left 4 Dead 2 DLC, "Cold Stream." There's a catch though: you have to play Left 4 Dead 2.
No, seriously. Dead Air will unlock once 20,000 players complete the currently-in-beta Cold Stream campaign and earn the Stream Crosser achievement on Steam, Valve confirms. The DLC's titular campaign is a player-created effort and it has been available for download in beta form since late March. The early Dead Air unlock will only happen if this challenge is completed by Sunday, July 10.

Read more:
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 15 Jun, 2011 @ 7:34am 
sad but true!!!
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 9 Jun, 2011 @ 11:18am 
Baron, there are at least 3 new members that do play DoD besides us. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone reads the posts from here. lol
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 27 Apr, 2011 @ 7:48am 
anyone else on here play day of defeat-source??
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 27 Mar, 2010 @ 11:03pm 
You should have talked to my cuz first!! lol.
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 26 Mar, 2010 @ 4:48pm 
Yeah, and for some reason I thought I would still have time for a life!! LOL
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 23 Mar, 2010 @ 6:58pm 
welcome to parenthood!!!!!!!! lol
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 23 Mar, 2010 @ 12:14pm 
Sorry about how dead it's been around here guys. We have a 11 month old in the house that is taking over the pc more than us lately!
And so it begins.... *sighs*
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 4 Mar, 2010 @ 6:48pm 
I can't think of any other 4 person or more multiplayer games out there at the moment then the ones mentioned below. I do hope that they have squads in 43 like in bfbc2 so it is easier to hook up with your friends on the same team. It was a nightmare trying to play with your friends on the same team on bf42.
DR.JEKYLL{{N}}MR.HYDE {D€D} 4 Mar, 2010 @ 6:43pm 
We could all play the battlefield 42 demo? to ready ourselves for bfbc2 and bf43. As for vs in l4d i'm not much into that but with 4 real people you might have a chance at survival then or just regular game play. I'm really looking forward to the mayhem of bf43! BOOOOM BABY! :)
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 26 Feb, 2010 @ 6:29pm 
Ok suggestions for events please!
I am thinking a group session of L4D or L4D2 Vs just let us know what you want to play and when and we will get it up and running
Th€ M¤RRĬGΛϞ {D€D} 14 Feb, 2010 @ 5:08am 
Welcome to MTPG! , and despite requests we will not be changing the name to "the old peoples home" LMAO but thanks for the suggestion Baron Von Porkenstein.