Lob (UK) Fun Servers Lob (UK)
Lob (UK) Fun Servers Lob (UK)
Fundado em
13 de fevereiro de 2009
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
281 comentário(s)
Lob (UK) 4/out./2020 às 5:23 
We haven't got a host at the moment and this global pandemic is taking its toll so it could be a while before i actually put any Servers back up again mate. Will look at it when things settle down again. Plenty of other decent CS:S servers around for us to go on for now anyway.
KermitAbasourdi 3/out./2020 às 7:54 
any news?
Lob (UK) 12/set./2020 às 16:03 
Yeah there was a problem with the host so they might be down a while sorry mate.
KermitAbasourdi 12/set./2020 às 8:35 
Servers are down?
Smokie 12/jul./2018 às 11:26 
roger that :)
Smokie 16/jan./2018 às 5:54 
happy new year :steamhappy:
Scarfless 8/jan./2018 às 7:39 
Happy New Year All! I hope you are all well =)
Its_MoBro 21/dez./2017 às 11:43 
Merry Christmas guys, from an old friend :)
Lob (UK) 18/dez./2017 às 11:58 
Merry Christmas everyone. Steam sales will be starting soon. :)
Smokie 18/dez./2017 às 10:51 
hello together :steamhappy:

Christmas is around the corner !
have a nice time:steamhappy:
That Guy In The Corner 25/mai./2017 às 13:07 
Rawr :balloonicorn::jarate:
Its_MoBro 25/abr./2017 às 11:57 
Hey guys :) hope you are all well! will definately come in for a catch up some time soon! :) MoBro from the good old days :D
Lob (UK) 18/abr./2017 às 5:47 
Hiya Ginger, always great to hear from you. Hope you are doing good matey. :)
The Gingerbread Man 17/abr./2017 às 16:01 
Hey everyone, just wanna say miss the old days of having the best of fun on Lob servers Tf2 - no its dead now and its a shame, but hope you all doing well and thanks for all the memories. Gingerbread out - drops the gumdrop button.
Lob (UK) 16/mar./2017 às 12:59 
Hi Smokie :) :steamhappy:
Smokie 16/mar./2017 às 12:01 
hello Community :)
greetings from beriln :steamhappy:
have a nice day ^^
Lob (UK) 8/set./2016 às 8:59 
Yeah must have been spam Baza.
baza 7/set./2016 às 16:10 
had 2 comments this group was ending
was it spam
Lob (UK) 3/mai./2016 às 16:27 
Ryan's Fork 1/mai./2016 às 14:18 
cum boy without semen 11/jan./2016 às 8:53 
i cri evry tiem

p.s.s. demknight is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ruined
cum boy without semen 19/dez./2015 às 4:14 
rip demoknight

ty tf2 update
Its_MoBro 2/dez./2015 às 10:25 
Hey guys could you do me a massive favour? I've entered a photo competition which ends on the 7th of this month. If any of you guys would be so kind to vote for my photo, you can do so by clicking this link and hitting the "vote" button. many thanks in advance, and see you all on the servers soon :D here's the link to my photo... thanks again guys! every vote counts! :D
Ryan's Fork 4/out./2015 às 10:08 
Wraggle 6/set./2015 às 11:52 
A shameful act of self promotion NotDanStevens...
cum boy without semen 1/set./2015 às 14:14 
Rellik 25/ago./2015 às 15:17 
do what?
NB | RoughRas 25/ago./2015 às 10:00 
sorry smokie :D i'll never do it again
Wraggle 6/ago./2015 às 14:58 
Moo-hah-ha! Moo-hah-ha! Allo kroket
Femboy Sonic 6/ago./2015 às 6:45 
Look behind ya, there be...A THREE HEADED MONKEY
Benjy 27/out./2014 às 3:20 
yo doods
Rellik 17/set./2014 às 12:21 
L◎B | Yeti 17/set./2014 às 12:20 
Hello y'all! Yeti in da house!
Lob (UK) 23/ago./2014 às 3:54 
See latest announcement. Explains everything. ;)
Hopeloos (NL) 23/ago./2014 às 2:23 
is all ranking gone?
Lob (UK) 11/ago./2014 às 3:16 
Will be back up soon. Host is doing some maintenance.
baza 11/ago./2014 às 1:55 
whats happed to the forum cant get on for the last few days
lukasturbo 28/jul./2014 às 12:31 
I think I remember you Fragington <3 Feel the love :bear:
Lord-Fragington 28/jul./2014 às 12:09 
Remember me you sexy sexy people? Boost my ego <3
Wraggle 20/mar./2014 às 16:40 
baza 4 pope
Sheepskin 3/mar./2014 às 10:59 
Wraggle 3/mar./2014 às 10:14 
Nothing beats Powered Toast Man
Sheepskin 3/mar./2014 às 2:32 
Actually it is the battlecry of my favourite superhero.
Wraggle 2/mar./2014 às 11:31 
Locksley! I'm gonna cut your heart out with a...
Sheepskin 1/mar./2014 às 15:40 
Wraggle 24/fev./2014 às 14:03 
Owain is the don. What a fun little chap.
Wraggle 14/jan./2014 às 12:23 
Welcome back Le Mac! It's good to here that you were back on the TF2 server. I hope everything was okay and that I bump into you soon ;)
rohan 5/jan./2014 às 12:44 
yay! player of the week! :D
Wraggle 25/nov./2013 às 15:16 
cool beans
Lob (UK) 25/nov./2013 às 6:03 
Forum back up now guys. The Host was doing much needed maintenance. ;)