KildragoL4D KL4D
KildragoL4D KL4D
4 May, 2009
Rescindent 9 Jan, 2012 @ 7:26am 
In light of GoDaddy's stance on the Stop Online Piracy Act [SOPA], I am in the process of transferring to a new domain registrar. Please use '' to reach Teamspeak for the time-being. I am currently working on restoring Minecraft on Acrimony (US).
Rescindent 23 Oct, 2011 @ 3:23pm 
No idea. If you take a look around at custom maps I'll make sure they're uploaded beforehand :)
Aardvark1973 23 Oct, 2011 @ 2:52pm 
what new maps are there?
Aardvark1973 7 Oct, 2011 @ 11:17pm 
dead island has had some very iffy reviews btw
Aardvark1973 7 Oct, 2011 @ 11:12pm 
let me know wher and when. By the way Neil Deus EX is good.
Rescindent 7 Oct, 2011 @ 12:56pm 
Hey guys, would it help somewhat if I got the Left4Dead server back up? Itching for some zombie pew pew :)
Rescindent 23 Sep, 2011 @ 11:10am 
Nice to hear from you Neil, was worried for a while. We have a 1.9 pre-release server up currently as well (live is 1.8). Have you had a look at Dead Island? Wouldn't mind starting-up our Zombeh nom nom nights again some time :)

In Minecraft we have a High street bank (complete with secret passages from our houses into the vault, of course), farm, half-built railway line, Granary (a la Age of Empires 3), pumpkin farm, 'shroom farm, cactus farm, town map (which burnt in the lava- RYAN!), a Forge that burnt itself down (which was unfortunately also Ryan's house), a sea view and a giant mushroom. :)
Kildrago 20 Sep, 2011 @ 1:11pm 
Woot! Hello Everyone. Will deffo be on minecraft soon. Busy playing Fallout New Vegas DLC atm tho :)
Rescindent 17 Sep, 2011 @ 5:27pm 
Just pre-ordered Star Wars: The Old Republic. If the group storyline missions are any good it'll be a nice change :)
Rescindent 13 Sep, 2011 @ 7:55am 
Hey everyone, hope you're all well. Are there any games that people are interested in playing multiplayer-wise at the moment?
Kildrago 8 Jun, 2009 @ 4:12pm 
My server address is and at the moment you can direct connect and sometimes connect via the group.