IMPEACH TRUMP impeachnow
IMPEACH TRUMP impeachnow
21 de febrero de 2018
United States 


Donald Trump is more than unfit to serve as president, he is down right unstable.From immature taunting to sometimes putting our very lives at risk. Trumps nonsense is not only making our country look bad it is putting all of our lives in jeopardy. Why does Trump seem to care more about the desires of Putin than the interests of America? A president is not allowed to profit from his presidency and yet this law is not inforced on Trump. Russia has meddled in our elections in the past and they continue to do so to this very day and yet Trump refuses to hold them accountable for their actions.Why are standards and rules placed on presidents of the past not inforced on Trump? The president is elected by the people for the people and the president is not above the law. Why does Trump refuse to say anything even remotely negative or critical about Putin? Among The Mains reasons why Trump should be impeached (and then be found guilty at his Impeachment trial) Is because Trump is doing a Absolutely horrible a running our country and failing Miserably to do so and trying to turn our country into a place where facts and laws mean nothing and racism and hatred rule Supreme. Besides that he is trying to ruin our Reputation as a country and try to make our country as Isolated as he possibly can in an attempt to push forward he is so called "America first agenda".At this rate it will not be America first,it will be America alone and there is nothing more important in times of Crisis then having support from your most trusted Allies,and the way Trump is acting soon we will have none. The biggest reason of all That Trump should be impeached are his Obvious lies about the Russia investigation. Trump tried to fire Mueller in 2017, I ask you...why? if Trump wasTruly Innocent on all that he is Accused of then he would want Mueller to continue his investigation and then finish it so that way he could Exonerated in all this. The only reason Trump would not want Mueller to finish his investigation is that he has something to hide and that he is Terrified that Mueller will find it out and then Trump will be forced to be held Accountable for his actions. We cannot Allow Trump to further obstruct justice and allow himself to think that he is above the law. A President is not above the law he is a Citizen of this country like you and me and therefore he must be held to same laws and Accountability that every other American Citizen have to live by. Lets not forget a President is elected by the people to serve the people, so therefore he works for us, all of us, not just the select few that think he is the Messiah. Trump is Constantly abusing the power of the office of the Presidency for his personal gain and selfish needs and Leaving the American people including among those who who elected him there and who think so highly of him in the dust to Continue to suffer in the Poverty that these same people elected him on his promise to end such Hardships.
37 comentarios
Pro-America Anti-Trump 9 MAY 2018 a las 18:40 
For A While Everyone Even Hannity And The Rest Of Trump's Cult Were Terrified Of The Thought Of Nucular War With North Korea Because Of Trump's Immature Taunts.Who is To Say That If These Talks With North Korea Go Bad That Trump Won't Start His Immature Taunting Again? So Listen Up Hannity And The Rest Of You Trump Cronies Don't For A Second Think That Just Because Trump Is Talking To Kim That Means That Nucular War With North Korea Is No Longer A Possibility.
Pro-America Anti-Trump 9 MAY 2018 a las 18:40 
Now Fox "Fake" News Courtesy Of The Propaganda King Sean Hannity Is Now Criticizing Real News Stations For Saying That Trump Was Going To Lead Us Into A Nucular War With North Korea. First Of All Hannity Is Just Assuming That Talks With North Korea Will Go Well. Second Of All Who Didn't Think For A While That Nucular War Was Certain. Remember All That "Big Strong Tough Guy Talk" Trump Did There For A While? Where Was Hannity Nominating Trump For The Nobel Peace Prize When Trump Was Saying "North Korea Will Be Met With Fire And Fury Like The World Has Never Seen" And "We Will Have No Choice But To Totally Destroy North Korea" Where Was Trump's Nobel Peace Prize Then? Where Were Hannity And The Rest Of Trump's Worshipers Saying Trump Should Win The Nobel Peace Prize For His Work With North Korea Then?
Pro-America Anti-Trump 8 MAY 2018 a las 11:20 
Another Consequence Of Leaving The Iran Nuclear Deal Is The Potential That This Could Affect Possible Talks With North Korea. By Pulling Out Of The Deal With Iran, North Korea Will VIew Us A Country "Who Does Not Stick To Deals That They Make So Why Bother Making A Deal With Them In The First Place" So Therefore North Korea Will Not Be Willing To Make A Deal With Us Because Thanks To Trump We Have Shown That We Do Not Stay With Agreements That We Make So Therefore North Korea And All The Other Countries Of The World Will Never Be Willing Be Make A Deal With Us Ever Again (At Least As Long As Trump Is Power) Because We Have Shown (Thanks To Trump) That We Do Not Stick To Agreements That We Make.
Pro-America Anti-Trump 8 MAY 2018 a las 11:01 
So Lets Get This Straight,Trump Choice To Give A Hostle Power And Sponsor Of Terrorism The Capability To Have A Fully Functioning Nuclear Arsenal Is Based Solely On A" Hunch" Of His And A Promise He Made To A Bunch Of Poorly Educated People Who Just Hate On A Deal That Is Working To Stop Iran But Just Mindlessly Continue To Hate On The Deal For No Other Reason That The fact That The Deal Was Done By a Democratic President. So To Trump And His Worshipers Thank You For Undoing A Deal That is Working And Therefore Giving Back A Hostle Nation Back It's Nuke's Just Because You All Want To Look And Act Tough.
Pro-America Anti-Trump 8 MAY 2018 a las 11:01 
Trump's Decision To Leave The Iran Nuclear Will Give Iran The Freedom To Build Whatever Type Of Nuclear Weapons Of Mass Destruction That They Want. Be Aware That Trump's Decision To Leave The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Based On No Facts Whatsoever.The Only Reason He Did This Is Because He Has A "Hunch" On What Iran May Or May Not Do And Because This is One MIndlessly Foolish Promises That Trump Promised His Cult Followers.
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21 de febrero de 2018
United States