Immortal Forces is a bunch of Gay Hackers IF(G-H)
Immortal Forces is a bunch of Gay Hackers IF(G-H)
18 June, 2011
feerings 28 Jul, 2011 @ 7:59am 
i can fly
VinTagE✪ 11 Jul, 2011 @ 6:59am 
Coz i heard that every clan raped u AK fags
VinTagE✪ 11 Jul, 2011 @ 6:58am 
and u said that SCaR,STF,HsH,kron is a bunch of noobs k,and dont judge me but did AK won any clannies???
VinTagE✪ 11 Jul, 2011 @ 6:48am 
hahahaha lol wat a fail by sneaky!!!!! :P
BambinO 9 Jul, 2011 @ 11:45am 
but u r also in it?
SneaKy 8 Jul, 2011 @ 10:37am 
SCAR.STF.HsH.KRON all of u clans are a bunch of fucking noobs.calling IF hackers are u retarded or what?Get some skill b4 posting kak! IF is a grait clan never gives us truble u ppl are so swak omg all of the ppl in this group are retareded NOOBs
sloth 1 Jul, 2011 @ 11:53am 
"get on with ur lives and play"
- CuzImGangstA 2011
Angel Fox 1 Jul, 2011 @ 3:42am

Instead of raging with useless comments like "IF is hacking, my aunts dog's socks saw it the other day" Record video evidence of it, and get the admin of this group to post it as an Announcement, else all this page will ever be is a rage thread, where people will throw around pretty much useless comments, and nothing will come of it. it doesn't matter how credible the player to accuse IF of hacking, video evidence is absolute.

And as Pred wrote a while ago, don't just post a video of random wallbangs, as teamspeak allows for easy wallbang kills, If you can show us tracking through walls, especially not within earshot, then there's no doubting it, right?
hERETiC 29 Jun, 2011 @ 3:09pm 
Why the fuck was I invited? What is this shit. Who cares if they hack, really. Just hack them back or report it to VAC with proof.

Jesus Christ, moan children moan!
Dylan 26 Jun, 2011 @ 7:38am 
this is a dum group if you like ur pc and mw2 so much marry it you make like it is ur life get a life
choppie 24 Jun, 2011 @ 12:52pm 
This group fail IF doesnt hack only 4 of them lol... :P
Joker3240 22 Jun, 2011 @ 2:06pm 
@ Goleastro
I know from the past how hard it is to get you to except defeat but this is not the way. Murder was in TS while you typed. LoL

@ Murder
Post his conversation snapshot
Matt 22 Jun, 2011 @ 1:49pm 
FUD because obv you guys have a problem

Not all of FUD. Don't generalise.
rAndy 22 Jun, 2011 @ 12:48pm 
tracking through walls rofl noob hackers
VinTagE✪ 22 Jun, 2011 @ 12:26pm 
We have lost agans many clan but we dont make groups about them we make group because you fucking hacking not becuase you won us...
Santo 22 Jun, 2011 @ 6:36am 
I kind of like the part where P.O.D says I became the best sniper overnight , the funniest thing is , I do not even know who P.O.D is , nor have I played with him. I also only joined IF about a week ago... This group is pretty immature :)
VinTagE✪ 22 Jun, 2011 @ 2:49am 
lol @ IF sor losers!!!!
Dannenberg 22 Jun, 2011 @ 2:07am 
Joker3240 21 Jun, 2011 @ 12:54pm 
Give it up Blaze. I tried to help him but it is not working. We need to keep this community group around for another 6 years until he gets into highschool.
Santo 21 Jun, 2011 @ 12:14pm 
Nice... I just lost 50 IQ reading that , nice mxit talk bro.
ClownstA 21 Jun, 2011 @ 11:24am 
nope i did not fail schoole Y did u am i suppose to feel bad for you or smetng............. heres a new info for everyone go download this song......

DONT STOP THE PARY!!!!!!! i rape u all to that song
Santo 21 Jun, 2011 @ 7:14am 
@Gangstaclown , did you fail school?
Dannenberg 21 Jun, 2011 @ 2:21am 
Dude, i mean look wat IF has done for us..if they wouldnt be..than there would of been no league. So lets get over and hope for another great Mw2 league season just before mw3 comes out
sloth 20 Jun, 2011 @ 12:53pm 
Okay, this group is like four days old and you're all still raging. Get over this and move on.
Deemz ZA# Ωφ 20 Jun, 2011 @ 10:42am 
Ok firstly I aint saying all IF members hack. Secondly dodge kills i understand everybody gets but there is no chance that every 2nd kill is dodge. thirdly the swearing doesnt help nor does bullying.
ClownstA 20 Jun, 2011 @ 10:28am 
i can beat that you all have said the word kafa to sme1..u just enjoy ratting out the 1 person who says kafa murder and everyone els here has called sme1 a kafa in game or even ur friends at hme so dnt tune me shit abt saying it cos i have more balls to say it in public that wht u could... so please.. take ur self esteem comments and throw them in sme trash... u going abt racist comments when i knw for a fact that u all have said it b4.. no one in this world is perfect and lets get religeouse here since now we all becoming holy... point and fact is.. we all SIN weather u area true saint or not.. you have all sinned so dnt give me this kak abt being racist when im clearly calling a white guy a kafa??? and not a black guy
Joker3240 20 Jun, 2011 @ 9:33am 
There I fixed it for you. The racial remark in SA is a fine of R10000 or by 6 months jail time if you do not have the money. Here is what you tried to say. I agree with you but this page is not nice either without proof.

Hi Joker. All I am saying is "Don’t tell me you are going to beat me up". That is just pathetic. You can ask me to stop or say “no” or “don’t do this” but to threaten me, that is going over the limit. It is not a world crime to say a little ugly word here and there, is not a crime. It may not be very Christian like but threaten me brakes both moral and legal ethics.
choppie 20 Jun, 2011 @ 9:08am 
Bra ill im stay is dont come tell me you going to beat me up that yust patetic,can ask to stop or say no or dont do this but to treaten me that goes over the limit it is a world crime to that to say littel ugly world here and there is not a not be very christen like but treaten brakes both.
Joker3240 20 Jun, 2011 @ 8:58am 
@ ^0Φ^1^7Ʀ^0ΦEcL!Ps^8[^7e^8]
That ruling is for clannies, not adolescents making childish accusations without proof. At R1200 for the flights and R300 a ticket for Rage it may just be worth the price of admission. Go Murder. (I know I am being childish... I am just getting into the spirit of things)

As for the rest... I suggest you paste your You Tube link here so we can view it. If not, you are making random accusations looking for attention. No proof no foul. What you are doing now is called slander. I know I am using big words but you can ask your parents to explain or use the online dictionary.

@ ^0Φ^1^7Ʀ^0Φ^4GangstA^0 Clown
By the way the Racist remarks in our current political climate is not called for, legal and certainly not cool.
choppie 20 Jun, 2011 @ 8:06am 
yo so im running your mouth but murder from start 1 comment you maid you didnt stop swearing and if i can remeber IF rules are you not aloud to swear?
Dannenberg 20 Jun, 2011 @ 8:00am 
lol dude after all this A10 clannied IF and they lost they have major Host adv. but they do not hax
choppie 20 Jun, 2011 @ 4:05am 
already sad enuf that you hacking now you a bully?
choppie 20 Jun, 2011 @ 2:25am 
wow murder now you want to beat up a little child, sad... go see someone if you have so big problems
choppie 19 Jun, 2011 @ 10:50am 
lol som is there someting you not telling us you guy only clan that dont tink they hack or 1 guy fishy.IF sucking there cocks :O<----8
wudjcnu? 19 Jun, 2011 @ 10:27am 
honestly i take back what i said IF has been practicing and have become good we all make dodgy shots
ClownstA 19 Jun, 2011 @ 10:11am 
tell me MURDER where do u get these stories of me being banned a week ago. this is the same story every month that i hear from u guys... ah CLOWNSTA DID U NOT GET BANNED LAST WEEK (pfft) by that expression it seems like u reported a violation to me and it failed on u.. due to that ia have skill and dnt need to hack to win. and the funniest part is of them all is that U.. yess U in IF wanted me to join ur clan. u said it yourself. there will always ba a spot for u in IF buddy.. and at times i thought abt it. but now that u all doge. im not interested. nice for u to want a good player and when u cnt get him u sulk and start reporting the player.
FunGi 19 Jun, 2011 @ 9:48am 
Here's my first comment: If someone posts UNDENIABLE evidence that someone in IF hacks, and the haxor does not get kicked from the clan, I WILL LEAVE THE CLAN. This is the condition with which I joined the clan, and it stands to this day.
So take this s a challenge, until then SHHHHH... Just because you rage the hardest or swear the most, does not make you right.
Vinny_187 19 Jun, 2011 @ 9:31am 
Potty 19 Jun, 2011 @ 8:34am 
@^0Φ^1^7Ʀ^0Φ^0ME PWN U ^7V1.2

Maybe you haven't been banned for hacking, but you're going to be banned for the offensive language. Enjoy ;)
Condensed Milf 19 Jun, 2011 @ 8:24am 
Guys just btw if you think IF hack im sorry but i highly doubt it. In pc games there will always be dodgy looking kills. ive seen some of the dodgyest kills ever made by complete noobs. just because a clan has improved greatly and have at the same time made a few dodgy kill doesnt mean they are hackers. IF dont seem to hack, they just have skill in my opinion. for instance look at some of the clans from cod4 that are really good. their skill levels surpass any clans that play mw2 by far. they look like they hack but in fact they dont. Just my 2-cents anyways
Condensed Milf 19 Jun, 2011 @ 8:17am 

Pretty sweet hax in that site there bro :P
haze 19 Jun, 2011 @ 7:15am 
I also don't belive that IF hack, we have been playing them alot recently, meaning they have been getting alot of practise. I have also noticed they have been practising. Now if there is no hard evidece that someone has recorded I fail to belive they do hack. But we shall see.
ClownstA 19 Jun, 2011 @ 6:57am 
you hack and thats the end of it..... im a decent player here just like POD eclyps. and many others but lat night.. u have proven that ur curse of losses from clannies is now at and end with a lil bit of following throug ha wall. knwing where everyone is.. say wht u want.. but u cnt devolpe epic skill over a few nights.. you at least need months of prac and facing harder clans to get better over due time. so cut the bull shit
sloth 19 Jun, 2011 @ 6:30am 
Here are the hacks we're using(go to the link):
choppie 19 Jun, 2011 @ 6:02am 
sins when where you guys this good huhu month ago rapture scar ae ak ris will rape you 12-0 12-1 what ever now you win them fishy\dodgy shit my bro
Vinny_187 19 Jun, 2011 @ 5:58am 
5 clans lost yesterday.... rapture 2wice, scar, ae,ak and RIS
Dannenberg 19 Jun, 2011 @ 5:23am 
lol Who lost against IF?
P.O.D 19 Jun, 2011 @ 5:08am 
I fucking told you last night some1 in IF hacks, I said I have no prob with u but there is a hacking cunt in IF cant tell who it is cuz like pussys u hide your names. But read carefully again you illiterate fool and you will see my part of the conversation repeated the same msg!!!!
ClownstA 19 Jun, 2011 @ 4:54am 
dude again and again and again I DID NOT FUCKING GET BANNED THIS IS MY ONLY ACCOUNT U DICK FUCKING KAFA PEACE OF SHIT y is it so that u all tnk iv been banned when this is my only account hay.......!!!!!!! fuck u cos u dnt knw wht shit u talking abt.. go fuck ur dog or smetng since thats the only tng u can prob do correctly... im a skill full player i dnt hack and im very clean so SHUT THE FUCK UP