STEAM グループ
Gandalfism sspapdak
STEAM グループ
Gandalfism sspapdak
Gandalfism について

Lord and saviour, Gandalf

Chapter: Gandexous
On the first day Gandalf created Pepe and he said "Good, very good.."

On the second day Pepe created God and Gandalf said "Good, very good."

On the third day Ganalf marched his armies to the deepest part of Hell and bum raped the Atheists.

On the fourth day Gandalf marched his army deep into 4chan and slaughtered the bad memes with his glorious elite plebeian army

On the fifth day Gandalf destroyed a galaxy because it was too far away too watch from his domain.

On the sixth day Gandalf created the mighty ban hammer and gave it to his son, Shepard so that he could wield it with power that could overcome any evil.

On the seventh day Gandalf sacrificed his son, Shepard, so that the plebeians could have a better internet connection.

Gandalf is the Lord and Saviour, he sacrficed his son, Shepard for your sins..

Never give into the false gods, and trust in Gandalf!

This is the official religion of Gandalf..

To prove to the plebeians of this world that he is truly a good god, Gandalf decided to stone jews and slavs.

Chapter: The Holy Script of Gandalf & The 10 Condiments

The holy Lord Gandalf took shape in the form, of Lord Gandalf.
Mighty Lord Gandalf is a kind, yet very wrathful god. In the year 1BD Gandalf created the world Potatolandia and Its magnificent creatures.
The ''trolls'' he cast upon the internet, andgitfullice yet horrid creatures. He created the mighty roaming land animal The Walrus and the Potato, Mighty and Noble Creatures.
Upon the plains of Potatolandia he cast the wisest and fairest of them all, Elite plebeians. The creatures were of holy and noble birth with the ability to do anything.
From the Elite Plebs he creates a rather hebetudinous yet craftful species, The humans.
Lord Gandalf has created most of the noble species on Potatolandia, He cared and loved for all. The great lord rode a mighty steed called Borris, his Walrus who is the roamer of the Great Mountains of Potato Port.

The Great Text Spoken onto Exodalf from Lord Gandalf

Onto the great Prophet Wendel the Wise he said the 10 Condomints.
Thou shall praise Gandalf.
Thou shall only accept Gandalf and Gandalf only.
Thou shall sacrefice the blood of a virgin daily and pray to Lord Gandalf every 4 hours with a special pray when the time reaches ''13:37''.
If thou defy Lord Gandalf or his holy name you shall be smited.
If thou commit monstrosities as defying Gandalf or not giving Asian sex slaves you shall be smited.
Mighty Lord Gandalf is always right.
Mighty Lord Gandalf may do what he wishes.
If thou killth Walrus thou shall be granted eternal pain.
If thou killth thou shall be sent to the underworld.
If thou is a kind person thou shall be sent to The Shire of Middle Earth.

About our Lord and Saviour:
Official Trading Group
23 件のコメント
Sunrise 2022年4月21日 11時35分 
Jesus and Jehovah (extended bible verses comparison)
assgoblin87 2018年6月23日 11時24分 
Silence the heretic
Bannerman 2018年6月22日 23時43分 
Both are ♥♥♥♥
Lil Nas X 2018年6月21日 11時48分 
Make Gandalfism Great Again!
Poob 2018年1月20日 13時53分 
Oki Thicc Daddi!
Poob 2018年1月20日 13時51分 
can i be the pope of gandalfism
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