STEAM グループ
Haeso's Selling Shop Haeso SS
STEAM グループ
Haeso's Selling Shop Haeso SS
United States 
Haeso's Selling Shop について

Selling all of your unwanted items!

I am Haeso5, and I made this group off the idea that people come to me to sell their stuff, which for the most part, some do. I have my right hand man Phoenix Wright, who will also be handling some trades.
The way this will work is that you will give me or Phoenix your items, and we will sell them. Now there will be a tax for most people, the rules for taxes are at the bottom of the page.
Some of you may think this is...sketchy, I have no problem with that, this group is built on trust for the most part. Any item from the trade we can't sell will be given back to you.
If you want a certain item from the trade, and give me a certain amount of items to get said item, I will give you any item I kept or got other than your items you give to me will be given to you. If you want your items back before I can make the trade, I will give them back.
If you want to give me an item to sell, post it on the comments, We'll get to it as soon as possible. We reserve the right to decline anything you may want us to do for any reason whatsoever.

Phoenix also set us up with a forum, so if you want you can post up there too. Phoenix has total control of the forum itself. Phoenix and I reserve the right to decline any offer we feel so for any reason whatsoever.

Tax Rules:
1) Only I may tax people without permission, if Phoenix taxes you, he will tell me.
2) Taxes will be based on how much you give me. If you give me a simple craft hat, it'll cost 2 scrap to a reclaimed. If it something like a Team Captain, it'll cost a refined to get me to sell it.
3) If you are not a friend, or I just plain don't like you, I will tax you. Especially if I don't like you.

So with that, have fun at my Shop of Wonders!

You can email us at

Haeso's Shop of Wonders Forums[]
Holy crap, that's huge.
Well then.
22 件のコメント
g0^Lucky 2015年7月24日 23時33分 
rip this group
DeerLord 2013年5月30日 12時40分 
oh my, what happened here :o
DeerLord 2012年8月12日 8時55分 
Jaden if i found out they were good id give em hellofajob!
Jaden 2012年8月12日 1時25分 
Tell me, how good are you at crate selling?
Cremator 2012年1月13日 15時33分 
wait wait wait wait....a refined for a team captain if sooooo hell tesh i want dat reserved
midqe 2012年1月12日 18時41分 
New task. I'm looking for a dirty High Five taunt around 4 ref.
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