Hard Style is My Style HSIMS
Hard Style is My Style HSIMS
게임 중
2014년 8월 23일
Hard Style is My Style 정보

♫♫♫ ♪♪♪ Hardstyle is My Style ♪♪♪ ♫♫♫

Pôvod v štýloch : Hard trance, Nu style gabber, Hard house, Hardtechno,Tndustrial
Kultúrne pozadie : Koniec 90. rokov – Holandsko
Typické nástroje : DAW, Syntetizátor, Sekvencer, Sampler, turntable, TTS
Odvodené štýly : Early hardstyle, Nu-style, Tekstyle, Rawstyle, Euphoric,hardstyle, Power hardstyle, Dubstyle

Stylistic origins : Hard trance, nu style gabber, hard house, hardtechno, industrial
Cultural origins : Late 1990s, early 2000s, Netherlands
Typical instruments : DAW, synthesizer, sequencer, sampler, turntables, TTS
Derivative forms : Early hardstyle, nu-style, tekstyle, rawstyle, euphoric hardstyle, power hardstyle, dubstyle

Hardstyle je žáner elektronickej tanečnej hudby, ktorý v sebe spája vplyvy žánrov hardtechno, hard house, hard trance a hardcore techno. Hardstyle obyčajne pozostáva z hlbokého, tvrdo-znejúceho basového bubna, silných basových liniek, ktoré sprevádzajú beaty. Tiež sú v hardstyle používané syntetizátorové melódie, ktoré sú rozladené a skreslené. Hardstyle má niekoľko spoločných rysov s hard trance. Množstvo hardcore techno interpretov produkuje tiež hardstylové skladby, pričom mnoho novších hardstylových skladieb sú komponované v trojdobom rytme.

Hardstyle is an electronic dance genre mixing influences from hardtechno, hard house, hard trance, and hardcore. Hardstyle typically consists of a deep, hard-sounding kick drum, intense faded or reversed basslines accompanying the beat, a synth playing a melody, and detuned and distorted sounds. It bears some similarities to hard trance. Many hardcore artists produce hardstyle tracks as well, and many newer Hardstyle tracks are written in compound time.

Významní interpreti
Notable artists
Coone (novšia tvorba) (Origin : BelgiumTurnhout, Belgium)
Blutonium Boy (staršia tvorba) (Origin : Germany)
Technoboy (Origin : Bologna, Italy)
D-Block & S-te-Fan (Origin : Den Haag, Netherlands)
Deepack (Origin : Netherlands)
Brennan Heart (Netherlands)
Headhunterz (Origin : Veenendaal, Netherlands)
DJ Lady Dana (Origin : Netherlands)
The Prophet (Origin : Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Psyko Punkz (Origin : Netherlands)
Showtek (staršia tvorba) (Origin : Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Wildstylez (Origin : Veenendaal, Netherlands)
DJ Zany (Origin : Veldhoven, Netherlands)
Da Tweekaz (Origin : Norway)
Wasted Penguinz (Origin : Helsingborg, Sweden)

Významné podujatia
Notable related events

Defqon.1 Festival (Australia and Netherlands )
Electric Daisy Carnival
Mystery Land (Netherlands)
Qlimax (Netherlands)
Sensation Black (Netherlands + Almost all over the world)
Tomorrowland (1 Disneyland (California) 2 Walt Disney World (Florida) 3 Tokyo Disneyland 4 Disneyland Park (Paris) 5 Hong Kong Disneyland 6 Shanghai Disneyland Park).

Hardstyle Top40[]
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^^ good group ^^
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2014년 8월 23일