Harrassment of ePo {.H.O.E.}
Harrassment of ePo {.H.O.E.}
12 August, 2014
United States 
flo :-D 17 Jun, 2015 @ 10:24am 
MikeScottHive1 26 Mar, 2015 @ 8:10pm 
MeducaL 25 Mar, 2015 @ 5:00pm 
♥♥♥♥ EPO
Arctic 6 Dec, 2014 @ 3:17pm 
♥♥♥♥ ePo and his false statements, he talks to much, needs to be put in a incinerator
timason 2 Oct, 2014 @ 8:19am 
if anybody want to join an actual group against hackers
Moose ma 18 Sep, 2014 @ 7:43pm 
keeenzzy 16 Sep, 2014 @ 2:19am 
B21 Athena Gray 2007 g35s sedan 6 Sep, 2014 @ 7:24pm 
One2Slip2 3 Sep, 2014 @ 11:24am 
gramps 1 Sep, 2014 @ 1:00pm 
Pooptart 18 Aug, 2014 @ 3:00pm 
How can you be that mentally challenged at life? You take pride in harassing innocent people. Man, you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ retarded.
Z3R0 15 Aug, 2014 @ 10:23pm 
this is just a joke clan lol
INTENSIFY 14 Aug, 2014 @ 5:35pm 
yo epo. poor kid. i ♥♥♥ yor mudda
._. 13 Aug, 2014 @ 4:24pm 
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH PEOPLE take this group so seriuolys HAHAHAH
.vAs.CоММiе[USA] 13 Aug, 2014 @ 8:19am 
@ Barcodee That is exactly my point - hit the nail right on the head. Clans aren't doing enough to implement standards and structures to filter hackers out - and this includes TK and BBF which are good clans, with good people, but need to push the standard a bit. Clans like UGL and other giant clans that allow anyone in are creating a safe haven for hackers to both infest and spread. I'd like to create some dialogue on beneficial ways that clans (that's right, groups of people working together - imagine that!?) can join together to stop hackers from infesting game communities. But that takes teamwork and understanding on all sides to understand what the problem is and the best way to deal with it.

Let's be honest. EPO's way isn't working. Trolling and harassing people isn't going to fix anything. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar and i think the H.O.E and H.O.H. groups are a step in the wrong direction and simply dividing the cod community further.
Pooptart 13 Aug, 2014 @ 1:43am 
@ Sabbat, While leaving ePo alone would be the best bet, he is just being toxic to this community as much as the hackers are. Falsely accusing and destroying peoples reputation because they played with people who have VAC bans/befriended/or talked to is just slandering the innocent. He needs to be shown the problems he is causing beyond the game.
Pooptart 13 Aug, 2014 @ 1:41am 
@ Commie, I agree about PC Clans keeping the community together, but at this point any clan that is open to the community is getting destroyed by people with hacks. How do you think Black Ops 2 became so infested? Spreading through clans like wildfire. PcC and UGL are prime examples. Look at what happened there and realize any clan that is open to anyone is pretty much open to hacks. vAs and such are good clans that filter and have applications to eliminate possible ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Clans come and go, but mostly leave to due to the lack of the proper steps to eliminate hacking from a beloved game. *Cough* Black Ops 2 *Cough*
Pooptart 13 Aug, 2014 @ 1:36am 
@ ePo, I didn't know Down Syndrome could affect you later in life but it seems like it's the case here. You are so ignorant and bloated by false info that your conginitive intelligence gets lowered each time you speak to an individual with a higher intelligence about the subject of hacking and/or hackers in general. You also seem to believe that having a VAC ban means I automatically aimbotted/wallhacked my way to victory. That is not the case, ever hear of server tools for admins? Probably not with the lack of primitive thinking you already do. But on topic, people would get banned falsely for trying to protect their servers from hackers. Kind of like how you are trying to do, but not in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ manner which involves harrassing players unlike no end. There are true hackers and ones that are not. I could cheat in Garrys Mod with Cheat Engine and get a VAC ban at this point, did I aimbot in CoD, no, but you would still harrass me.
Pooptart 13 Aug, 2014 @ 1:25am 
Hey guys, I tried aimbotting on Minecraft once and ePo banned me from my singleplayer world!
Cruncho 12 Aug, 2014 @ 10:02pm 
....what? I could barely read what you wrote. VAC bans aren't even that meaningful, you could get them for trying to kick hackers in earlier cods.
.vAs.CоММiе[USA] 12 Aug, 2014 @ 8:02pm 
I've got a few ideas Spidey. The reality is that PC gaming has always been kept alive by the PC Clans. Clans are always the last to leave a game, and most the time the clans are propping up the game community because they are what keep it fun and exciting.
.vAs.Sabbat[USA] 12 Aug, 2014 @ 7:27pm 
The real truth is ePo is not a force that has gotten hackers banned. I did join this group to see what's up plus on my respect for spidey alone. Yet as Commie says I think a unbiased group woudl be a lot better then this. just forget ePo. His idea of smashing anyone that he thinks hacks with out proof or going after people that are friends with them has just turn into trolling. Stop focusing on him forget him and let aim for something better. Lets not lower are self to his level.
Spidey 12 Aug, 2014 @ 6:05pm 
Well considering the real issue is that Steam Support will do nothing about the hackers, and that the "Report Violation" button (the button Steam Support tells you to go to) is a joke, I'm not sure what power we actually have.
.vAs.CоММiе[USA] 12 Aug, 2014 @ 4:33pm 
As funny as this group is, I don't think it's helping any situation..

We should push for an unbiased group that is both fair and progressive. One that works to support and promote "official" clan structures and standards in the way they operate so they stomp out hackers rather than give them a safe haven for them to spread...

If anyone is interested in my proposed idea, feel free to add me on steam and we can talk about it further.. the PC community is small enough as it is fellas, and hackers are pushing people away even more. No reason to be turning on each other when we all know what the real issue is..
Spidey 12 Aug, 2014 @ 3:54pm 
I think he's kinda both Timmy
Oculus 12 Aug, 2014 @ 1:48pm 
The group profile picture alone made my day. 10/10 would join again.
timason 12 Aug, 2014 @ 12:14pm 
ePo is either a huge troll or immensely retarded lol.
plonk 12 Aug, 2014 @ 11:51am 
Lol. HOE. ePo is a HOE
Steghoesoreass 12 Aug, 2014 @ 9:32am 