GuyLine Tactics GuyLin3
GuyLine Tactics GuyLin3
10 июня 2017 г.
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GuyLin3 Retuns to FrontLin3

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Комментариев: 3
JW 1 мар. 2019 г. в 14:42 
Jovantheking we set your buyout price for 1$ and have even included a snickers bar to go but every team refuses to buy you we are sorry for these unfortunate news
Jovantheking 1 мар. 2019 г. в 5:17 
Thank god I got benched from this shitty team also you guys aren’t gonna go far in any major. Ps your coach only knows how to bait xd:steambored:
Speckle! 28 фев. 2019 г. в 21:15 
Welcome to GuyLin3.

Hello, I'm Speckle, the current coach for the GuyLin3 Roster. I was formerly known as Spectre, the main source of utility-focused player in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive until my departure. I have not been active in the CSGO scene since mid 2017 due to a surgery, and have instead shifted my focus to slower paced games like League of Legends and Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles, but I have been drafted to make a coaching effort for the Counter-Strike team, so as a result I will make an attempt to return to form and play Counter-Strike for further understanding of the current game climate. Although it is unlikely that I will rejoin the team, I can atleast make an effort to understand the proper strategies that are needed to succeed in play. I may have opportunities to scrim with fellow GuyLin3 players, so stay tuned!
