GreenLight Afterfall Pass AF
GreenLight Afterfall Pass AF
2012 年 7 月 13 日
關於 GreenLight Afterfall

Get Afterfall onto Steam

So this group is pretty much for getting the game "Afterfall" onto steam. They are currently on Orgins. So hopefully we all can come together and get Afterfall onto steam when steam does the greenlight program.

So please invite all your friends and family to join this group and to vote on afterfall to be on steam!!!!

Thank you very much.

Supermoose to the rescue!!!

Afterfall is on Steam for 14.99!!! 25% off promotion sale
36 則留言
Kanashlml 2014 年 12 月 15 日 上午 12:48 
do you plan to continue for Afterfall InSanity ?
Scorpi0z 2013 年 4 月 2 日 下午 12:10 
I have the cd key of the game, the question - how can we ever use it for the game to be in the library of Steam, so I could get the DLC to the arena and follow?
Wobb the Great and Terrible!!!!! 2012 年 10 月 14 日 下午 8:47 
I have seen this on greenmangaming for the great price of £7.50. However, it doesn't say extended edition. I have heard some terrible things about the old version of the game, but also heard that the extended edition is great.
So if I buy the "old" version, is it going to auto-patch to the new version when I install it? If not, I am not touching it. Also, does that mean that all the people who bought the game when it was the "old" version will have to buy it again to get the "good" version when it is available?
If so, that's just not fair.
I do want to try the new version, and for that price I can't say no. But I need to know what is going on, I can't find any clarity anywhere, except that someone told me they bought it on origin and it is still the old version and that patches will be coming soon (this was back in the first half of september by the way, so soon could mean like valve time soon maybe?)
Hajneman 2012 年 9 月 1 日 下午 4:01 
Make it reall plz... I really want to play this masterpiece.
ruby_de_rydz 2012 年 8 月 31 日 上午 1:25 
I want AF on Steam at language Polish and English
76561198070541571 2012 年 8 月 30 日 下午 12:59 
Can't wait for it !!! Just release!!
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2012 年 7 月 13 日