~Gamers Community~ ~Gamer
~Gamers Community~ ~Gamer
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2017년 5월 11일
~Gamers Community~ 정보

Gamers Community, Welcome To The Community

Welcome to Gamers Community

Welcome to our community, we hope you have a blast here. Our aim of this community is to show support, pride and hope to gamers around the world. No matter what race, gender or how rich or poor you are. Our community is strongly against that type of behavour so here we hope you have a blast and not be put down about any type of that behavour. As we are a community of gamers. If you played a game in the past or currently gaming right now you are welcome here, from the very old to the youngest age you can think of.

Rules of Chat & Forums

Sadly every group has rules. If you want to get anywhere in life you need to follow the rules and here at Gamers Community we got rules. If you choose to not follow our rules, let me say you wont be here long sorry, (No Rebels). I will drop a link down below of our current rules.

How can you help?

1. Invite all your Friends
2. Join our Discord
3. Have a Blast
4. Make some friends

We are just trying to make the community of gaming a better place and we aim to be alive for generations. Making people happier and happier as each year passes. We may not be something big but we can always aim big. Each invite or member makes us stronge and closer to our goals and we thank you deeply for your help to this community.

~Gamers Community 2017

Our Community Discord[]
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댓글 4
Varien 2017년 8월 28일 오전 5시 17분 
For anyone that plays Awesomenauts please use this code to get recruited! 7WCT-53BL-C5SW I would help us both out a lot! :bank:
JustaNibble 2017년 5월 19일 오후 6시 41분 
"Each invite or member makes us stronge and closer to our goals and we thank you deeply for your help to this community." *stronger, most dont read it but if youre going professional dont make spelling errors, and make a logo, if you need help pm me.
Last_Hound 2017년 5월 15일 오전 5시 47분 
I do not fully understand the group picture on what it has to do with your groups vision??
Randy Marsh 2017년 5월 13일 오전 3시 37분 
Welcome to ~Gamers Community 2017
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2017년 5월 11일