Galatians of Ptolemaic Egypt {GOPE}
Galatians of Ptolemaic Egypt {GOPE}
게임 중
2013년 12월 16일
Galatians of Ptolemaic Egypt 정보

Galatians of Ptolemaic Egypt

.:{GOPE} is a clan that combines role play and total war games:.

.:RTW2- Galatians of Egypt control Egyptian Armies (not Galatia faction):.

.:332-30 B.C.:.

.:The {GOPE} Egypt is a multi-culture group from all over the world. Egyptians, Greeks and Galatian/Celtic are the main races of {GOPE}. We do not tolerate racism, verbal abuse or self dishonour. We welcome all honour bound players to join us and to fight beside us for lands and greatness. If you want to join go to discussions, topic Character Background and make your character to play in (330-30 B.C.) active generals will be part of the Ancient Role Play.


☥ Government: {GOPE}
☥ Great Capital: Alexandria
☥ State Animal: Golden Eagle
☥ Language(s): Multilingual
☥ State Religion(s): All
☥ Currency: Denarii ₯
☥ Population: 3,777,502
☥ Treasury: 1,964,762

☥ ══════☥ Royal Government ☥ ══════☥

☥Cleopatra /Egyptian

☥ ══════☥ Royal Galatian Guard/Generals ☥ ══════☥

☥ Boru Brennus /Captain of the Royal Guard
☥ {Grailknights}Arcticshieldbreakr
☥ Komoto /Japanese
☥ Nachtjager /German
Allies- Carthage, Selucids, Rome
Non-Agression- Persia
Trade Rights- Carthage, Rhodos, Parthia, Selucids, Rome
Enimies- India

Worl Map of Arc[]
Royal Military Acad[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Hellenic Hoplite Fans
New Builds
댓글 17
Wendrell 2021년 4월 1일 오전 10시 26분 
Hello everyone! I would like to invite you guys to my new group, Kemetism, about the revival oft he ancient Egyptian religion. Feel free to enjoy it!
Septimius of Mandarin Chicken 2013년 12월 29일 오전 9시 05분 
Parthia would like an trade agreement and a non agression alliance
Garuda 2013년 12월 27일 오전 6시 00분 
I wish to join your ranks!
Wachoo, breaker of fine china 2013년 12월 25일 오전 9시 48분 
I wish to join egypt
{Hellenic} Λ Lysimichus Λ 2013년 12월 24일 오후 5시 20분 
*salutes* 最後的書吏