Geek-Underground Community ARK S GUCArk
Geek-Underground Community ARK S GUCArk
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2016년 5월 1일
Geek-Underground Community ARK S 정보

Geek-Underground ARK PvP

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인기 토론글
최근 공지
[FIXED] Warden levels
Changes: ORP & gather, flyer in caves
댓글 30
warchild 2016년 7월 12일 오후 2시 58분 
Hi, can confirm that we've wiped. We aren't shutting down! Currently there's no mods and probably won't be either. On the plus side there's both a TheIsland server and a TheCenter server. You can expect better performance than ever. We've also implemented the new saving method which will stop the save-freeze from happening!
inyourface 2016년 7월 11일 오전 2시 06분 
Hey fellas, server is down at the moment. Are we getting a wipe, or is server closing? Was quiet in the last days, hope you guys continue.
Moon 2016년 7월 8일 오전 6시 42분 
I have not been on for a while after a holiday. I see that it is a talk of a wipe. I really hope not. I'm not up for starting over again
warchild 2016년 6월 28일 오후 6시 35분 
Yes, this might be our only option sadly. But there's a few things we're waiting for.

Mainly that: "For the future of this mod you can expect to get the updated ADK content when a new version is released. This is because Psycho, the sole mod developer, is having some medical complications and his recovery is his first priority."

So either something have to change fast in terms of annunaki or we're forced to change to some other mods.
Karma 2016년 6월 27일 오전 12시 10분 
Looks like annunaki is not fully compatible with The Center map, the spawn is kind of weird. I used to see some spawn of primals but now i'm not, even less ppl playing right now. Ice drakes, the megapithecus, mosasaur without admin spawn, they would never come out.

Beside the removal of alliance, warden is now impossible to kill.

Should we consider of a wipe and use The Island map instead?
Moon 2016년 6월 25일 오전 6시 04분 
Hey. Seems like I'm not the only one who lost a drake yesterday. It just vanish ( it's not dead ), from the earth and not even the pet finder could find it. Someone else also lost their drakes. I understand if I can't get my drake back but I at least would like my Insignia back for the Wyvern. Its really hard to come by nowadays. Otherwise I like the server so far, good performance and settings
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2016년 5월 1일
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