F13.TheGroup:NoCheaterHere F13NoCheater
F13.TheGroup:NoCheaterHere F13NoCheater
게임 중
2019년 1월 20일
F13.TheGroup:NoCheaterHere 정보

Thanks for joining my Group !!!!!

I would like to create a list of Players with who it could be nice to play Friday the 13th and allows the Members to find some other Players here.
When you see a Player it seems nice to play with, tell them to send a request, or to Invite new Friends, tell them to send a Request.
I and Officers will consider the Request, if he accepts, nice, if not, it's not a Trouble, there are other Players.

When you will start a Lobby to play, send an Invitation to all Players online (available) and sometime, your Lobby will be full.
Less chance to play against toxic Players :)
When you want to report a Player:
The best Solution to ban Players on Friday13ththegame (Cheaters, Glitchers, Teamkillers, Bulliars, while Developers of this Game don't care now about Complaints anymore, is to report them to "Steam", we have to select ''Steam'' in the report)

The better Thing to do is to block those Players (To remind them), and report them, but In the report, select ''Steam '' Never forget, don't mention the Name of the Game (Friday13), use just ''Games '', use the Reasons (exemple) : Player who use Cheats, Glitches, Hacks, constant Intimidation, racist Comments, Homophobia ......
********My last Group was erased by Steam, because in my Group, I've posted Links of Users (Cheaters id) :P

인기 토론글
최근 공지
"Big Surprise, Joke or Mistake" ?????
댓글 17
JonathanTheMostp♡lite 2019년 5월 17일 오전 10시 53분 
everything who can help you to win , but savini(for me that change nothing)
Conquerror 2019년 5월 11일 오후 10시 04분 
hm... cheaters have variants like savini cheater, speedhack, general....
Biohazard 2019년 3월 10일 오전 5시 22분 
It's finally happening!!! Cheaters no more
JonathanTheMostp♡lite 2019년 2월 12일 오후 12시 48분 
merci Mayday
JonathanTheMostp♡lite 2019년 2월 1일 오후 7시 10분 
Me too I prefer with this update
➶➶Gwynbleidd of Rivia狼 2019년 2월 1일 오전 3시 48분 
Me love it my dude
게임 중
2 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2019년 1월 20일