Future of Kingdom Hearts Faction FoKHF
Future of Kingdom Hearts Faction FoKHF
19. juli 2010
123 kommentarer
skyetie 16. mai 2017 kl. 21.36 
Probably the other promise but there are a ton of amazing music in kh
E-Boy 18. juni 2015 kl. 17.13 
Whats everyones favourite KH song? Dont post Dearly Beloved please we all want it for our funeral song thats fine.
lopside 17. juni 2015 kl. 20.18 
76561198157438301 23. apr. 2015 kl. 1.09 
btw guyz expo d23 will be in dec 2015 hope there s new trailer
76561198157438301 23. apr. 2015 kl. 1.09 
sqaure enix did not announce the kingdom hearts 3 release date
E-Boy 10. mars 2015 kl. 15.18 
Is this group dead tho
King Gamma 18. mai 2014 kl. 13.01 
Anyone who likes anime and ratchet and clank add meh
Mark 4. feb. 2014 kl. 19.53 
Hello everyone I can not wait for kh 2.5 to release :golden:
Daddy JoJo 30. jan. 2014 kl. 23.35 
There is a Kingdom Hearts MMORPG out in Japan, its called Kingdom Hearts x[chi] it is coming to the U.S. soon.
BarkingBacon 25. aug. 2013 kl. 11.15 
I LOVE Kingdom Hearts *-*
I'm a new member :3
Chrissy 25. aug. 2013 kl. 11.11 
<3 :B1:
Ruxik D. Niemand 16. apr. 2013 kl. 18.52 
>Embrace The Silence.
>Release your inner Darkness
Pizza Goblin 15. apr. 2013 kl. 15.07 
hello all im a new member "Embrace The Silence"
Giovi 28. nov. 2012 kl. 18.51 
USARice 24. nov. 2012 kl. 10.40 
Check out this KH masterpiece a friend of mine made in G-Mod!
Cawfee 26. sep. 2012 kl. 16.28 
KH 1.5 HD Trailer looks Epic :D
Giovi 3. sep. 2012 kl. 10.23 
Man why is this group dead! I hope Kingdom Hearts 3 will bring some new active members like me....
Giovi 23. aug. 2012 kl. 10.50 
Made a discussion about it. Tell me if anything is wrong.
USARice 22. aug. 2012 kl. 20.11 
If I beat the game on proud mode, will I immediately have access to the secret movie?
Giovi 20. aug. 2012 kl. 14.28 
I know right! I'm stuck in The Grid with Sora's boss, Rinzler!
Zackasaur 18. aug. 2012 kl. 12.09 
Dream Drop Distance is mind-blowing. @_@
Giovi 16. aug. 2012 kl. 19.48 
To unlock Critical Mode, beat the entire game on all difficulties.
Zag 12. aug. 2012 kl. 1.27 
How do You Unlock Critical mode? im on The Final Boss Battle
Giovi 10. aug. 2012 kl. 18.48 
This game is awesome! Anyone beat Critical Mode yet?
Onyx Nebulous 27. juli 2012 kl. 15.52 
man thank god 3d ddd is almost out just a few days
SwiftCrash 3. juli 2012 kl. 13.37 
☻/ This is Bob
/▌ Copy and paste him so he can
/ \ take over STEAM
SwiftCrash 27. juni 2012 kl. 13.26 
Hey guys love KH can't wait for KH DreamDropDistance !!!
alpha 18. juni 2012 kl. 21.40 
finnaly pepole like me
Rai 17. juni 2012 kl. 1.14 
hello guys! I'm new here!
<( ^_^ )> 11. mai 2012 kl. 19.35 
Ugh, when will Sora and Riku get together?! Im so sad that they haven't done anything yet.
XIGORAPY 5. apr. 2012 kl. 17.34 
already out :)) but still Japanese version, US Version will be release at July :)
Laktoseintoleratos 16. mars 2012 kl. 8.40 
cant wait for dream drop distance :D
KingWavy 15. feb. 2012 kl. 17.15 
hey all send me a freind request
Dreamcast 3. jan. 2012 kl. 18.16 
Holy crap, I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3DS! :D
Mrs. Doubtfire 24. nov. 2011 kl. 21.36 
Even tho i have played 2 before 1 i loved both with a grand passion it is something i have never experienced before and the whole way though it was amazing,I took twards the first one more Probably because of the gripping story or wonderful characters, ither way this game will be one of the best games i have ever played now i think that might be alot to say for a kingdom hearts game but it was that fantastic and i truly hope they continue the series after 3 because this has to be one of the greatest series i have ever played.
USARice 20. nov. 2011 kl. 15.27 
Still the best series of games I've ever played. Can't wait for DDD and hopefully some news on the 3rd one!
Zag 15. okt. 2011 kl. 12.05 
Just Joined, Ive played all KH games and i love em all, I cant live without em, Best Series Ever.
Xirocard 19. sep. 2011 kl. 20.20 
Hello everyone, nice to be a part of your group. Not much to say about me, just a fellow KH fan with an unoriginal OrgXIII name ^_^
Zackasaur 14. sep. 2011 kl. 18.38 
Join Square Alliance!
Zackasaur 27. juli 2011 kl. 2.04 
'Ello, Axel. :) @FMM: I haven't received that e-mail...
BumpOfDeath 17. juli 2011 kl. 17.19 
HEY peoples LONG time no see!!!!!!
Syliana 24. juni 2011 kl. 8.44 
Well, thanks a lot, i'm happy to be here, i have yet not understood how i upload it to , (which i use a lot). you say you will feature it on your channel, if i tribute to this Faction? How do i do that?

I'm very grateful for your offer, and i hope i'll get a long stay and a good stay here at FoKHF
Zackasaur 23. juni 2011 kl. 11.32 
Welcome to the group, mate! I like the tag in your name. ;) It was a pleasure viewing your AMV. I would suggest using to get better footage for future projects, though. You should check out the FoKHF YouTube Channel! We'll even upload your projects if you include tributes to the Future of Kingdom Hearts Faction.
Syliana 21. juni 2011 kl. 9.50 
Hello there everyone, i'm a new member, i don't know why i first joined now, cuz i've been a fan of KH since it first came out. I make vids about the game and upload them on youtube, have a look at my latest vid, which is an AMV:
Elvick 19. juni 2011 kl. 7.14 
Free MMOs :D
Zackasaur 29. mai 2011 kl. 12.18 
$42... That's hard for me to swallow right now. :(
RikaFriedRice 18. mai 2011 kl. 18.15 
Elvick 17. mai 2011 kl. 22.56 
$41.99 on Play Asia. Plus shipping and tax of course.