STEAM グループ
Entitledstras Buff DS
STEAM グループ
Entitledstras Buff DS
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Entitledstras について

Some of yall are about to be real mad at me, but it must be said. Buff DS.

Geistra's Official Fan Club

If you like Geistra and also like survivor sided buffs, then this is the place for you. If you're a Killer main that believes Spirit is fine and DS is still too overpowered, then let the door hit you on the way out.

People take my stream banter way too seriously.

We like to complain about things all the time, but we have fun doing it, unlike those who complain when they lose and ask for nerfs and blame everything other than their mistakes because they're perfect little streamers that need to look good for their community otherwise they don't rack in the views.

"Picture this.. The year is 2020. Geistra is still not a Fog Whisperer in Dead By Daylight and probably never will be. The future sucks."

"-rep baby disconnects when the killer trys to play the game screwing over me and the rest of our team, thanks man I see ur almost 5k hours shows ur skill"

"I'm glad your friend dc/ed and was salty enough to stay to the end to cry :)"

"Survivor trash I hope you transmit your cowardice a hang if you kill yourself"

"-Rep super trash survivor. Kill themself on first hook at the beginning of the match. Called me a hacker for no reason without saying why. Both them and their butt buddy are toxic sub human garbage. Avoid this trash at all cost"

"Like honestly how are you this F-ing trash after nearly 5,000 hours. Like god damn"

"-rep You would think that someone with 5k hours would have more respect but that is completely off. He camped me till I hit second stage and then tunneled me off hook. Then after that he decided to bm me to make it worse. Oh and did I mention there were 3 event offerings? Killers like this are the reason this game is going to dying and which its in such a bad shape. I literally did nothing but loop her and she played like that.

Professional Titty Streamer over at
18 件のコメント
linda 2020年9月12日 6時56分 
Trinket 2020年7月7日 20時30分 
-rep You would think that someone with 5k hours would have more respect but that is completely off. He camped me till I hit second stage and then tunneled me off hook. Then after that he decided to bm me to make it worse. Oh and did I mention there were 3 event offerings? Killers like this are the reason this game is going to dying and which its in such a bad shape. I literally did nothing but loop her and she played like that.
Rothul 2020年7月7日 20時19分 
-rep You would think that someone with 5k hours would have more respect but that is completely off. He camped me till I hit second stage and then tunneled me off hook. Then after that he decided to bm me to make it worse. Oh and did I mention there were 3 event offerings? Killers like this are the reason this game is going to dying and which its in such a bad shape. I literally did nothing but loop her and she played like that.
austin 2020年3月1日 14時03分 
i hate it here
Trinket 2019年10月31日 18時01分 
-rep baby disconnects when the killer trys to play the game screwing over me and the rest of our team, thanks man I see ur almost 5k hours shows ur skill
Sir Maxwell 2019年10月9日 14時20分 
spirit hates gays let it be known
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