Elite Profiles -=EPRO=-
Elite Profiles -=EPRO=-
게임 중
2016년 5월 18일
Elite Profiles 정보

This is an elite group for the absolute best Steam Profiles.

This is a group for people not just with awesome profiles, but with elite profiles. Profiles that are so good they could aswell just be in a Museum.
A group for the best of the best, the 1%, the Elite of steam.

I made this group because I wanted something all the other "Amazing Profiles" groups didn't have. 100% Amazing Profiles. If you look through the members list you find people who have private profiles, people with "normal" and even people with bad looking profiles.
These groups say that they have only amazing profiles. But that simply isn't true. That's why I made this group. If you are in here it means you belong to the 1% of steam users that actually have an elite profile.

Be a Polite, Trusted and Respectful member of the Steam community
Level 30+ is highly prefered but not needed
Have a public profile (Not private or friends-only!)
No Vac And or "Game Bans"*
No Trade bans and or Trade Probation*
*There can be exceptions to this two.

If you violate any of the rules after you're Invited to- or became a member of the group you will be kicked. You can get re-invited after that if you change you're profile to be "elite" again.

How to get into the Group?
Because this is the absolute best of steam profiles, this group will always be small.
If you think however you're profile would be awesome enough to join, you can leave one of the Staff a comment saying so.
Please press the "Request to Join" button on the Elite Profiles group page if you want to join, as of the latest steam update you can not Invite anyone outside your friends!

Owner: TheLukrie
Admins: r4re

Existing members can also suggest users who they think would fit the Elite Profiles Group in this discussion.

Signature and signing Profiles:
I will sign Profiles I find are the best of the best.
This means that I will only sign a handfull of profiles. So it stays something special.
How it will look:

:FIS_TheLukrie_3::FIS_TheLukrie::FIS_TheLukrie_2: Signed by TheLukrie
*Custom Message here*
(Icons sadly not visible)

Group Milestones:
[] 50 elite steam profiles (21.05.2016 - 23:20 (UTC+01:00))
[] 100 elite steam profiles (23.05.2016 - 18:39 (UTC+01:00))
[] 200 elite steam profiles (29.06.2016 - 14:15 (UTC+01:00))
[] 500 elite steam profiles (19.03.2017 - 23:35 (UTC+01:00))
[] 700 elite steam profiles (22.10.2017 - 13:48 (UTC+01:00))
[] 1000 elite steam profiles (19.12.2018 - 21:45 (UTC+01:00))
[] 1500 elite steam profiles?

Elite Profiles VIP
Elite Profiles Staff
Elite Profiles Other Group's
인기 토론글
최근 공지
1,000 Elite Profiles!
Insurgency game for free
댓글 1,117
ツ Mr Guitto 2023년 4월 7일 오전 4시 52분 
Nevermore 2023년 3월 29일 오전 3시 41분 
᠌ ᠌ ᠌:cet_rip:
gzey 2022년 12월 23일 오후 2시 03분 
bro its the third biggest scam on steam. Guys pretending to be girls to get money from thirsty men.

You think a girl would go on steam and do that? lmao
TheLukrie💠 2022년 12월 23일 오후 1시 48분 
How come you think Isabellium is a scammer?
gzey 2022년 12월 21일 오후 11시 56분 
How can u let scammers like isabellium in here lmao
Amelie UWU 💕 2022년 12월 21일 오후 8시 29분 
Feel free to add me.
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25 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 5월 18일
관계된 게임