Drow Brotherhood {DROW}
Drow Brotherhood {DROW}
게임 중
2014년 1월 11일
Drow Brotherhood 정보

Drow of the Underdark


They call themselves, Ilythiiri. To the rest of the world they are Drow, or Dark Elves. The most evil of races. Even the bravest of warriors shudder at even mentioning the race. Even the Daemon's of the Abyss and Hells note the passing of even a single drow. Living in the depths of the wild underdark the Drow know battle well. Living in the harsh land suits their nature, and keeps them at their greatest fighting egde. They are ruthless efficent killers, they are among the finest of warriors, they are Drow


City- Menzoberranzan
Type- City-State
Aliases- City of Spiders
Size- Metropolis (20,000 Drow and the free) + (40,000 slaves)
Area- Upperdark, Northdark
Languages- Drow, Undercommon
Government- Council of Drow Houses
Religion- Lolth


Imports- Surface produce, slaves
Exports- Poisons, mushrooms, riding lizards, slaves, spell scrolls, wine


Races- Free- Drow 98%, Human 1%, Orc 1%

Races- Slaves- Goblin 17%, Grimlock 17%, Kobold 15%, Orc 13%, Quaggoth 9%, Bugbear 7%, Human 7%, Ogre 4%, Svirfneblin 4%, Minotaur 3%, Troll 2%, Gloaming 1%, Tiefling 1%

Drow Wiki[]
Forgottenrealms Wiki[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
The Ring of Dragons
A Trip to Skullport
댓글 8
{Hellenic} Λ Boru Λ Seleucus 2014년 1월 31일 오전 5시 30분 
awesome, thanks for sharing this with us.
Foehammer 2014년 1월 30일 오후 11시 29분 
Howdy all you NWN2 fans I wanted to point you all in the direction of a great server with a great staff. Its only issue as of now is a lack of players which is a darn shame. If any of you are interested in giving it a try this is the forum for it: . I would like to add that they are currently constructing their brand new Underdark that being said, all you nasty drow would have a brand spanking new home very soon.
{Hellenic} Λ Lysimichus Λ 2014년 1월 30일 오후 4시 04분 
The Dragons come
{Hellenic} Λ Komoto Λ 2014년 1월 18일 오전 7시 52분 
Our new members are proving thier worth. They are a deadly bunch.
{Hellenic} Λ Komoto Λ 2014년 1월 12일 오전 8시 06분 
hail Drow Brotherhood!
{Hellenic} Λ Boru Λ Seleucus 2014년 1월 11일 오후 5시 15분 
*in evil voice* Hail Brother